
Weiterhin auf dem Weg zum Mars

Die erste Hürde auf dem Weg zur Exzellenzförderung ist genommen. Die Theoretische Philosophie freut sich, als Teil des Koordinationsteams an zentraler Stelle mitwirken zu dürfen.

YouTube Video "Critical Thinking in Teaching and Research"

Norman Sieroka's talk at the workshop "Personal Growth" by the iF Design Foundation in October 2023 (in the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich) is now also available online.

Publikation zu New Learning

Publication on New Learning

In 2022, Dr. Julian Decius published a theoretical model of the New Learning process together with Prof. Dr. Timo Kortsch, Dr. Hilko Paulsen, and Prof. Dr. Anja Schmitz. First model assumptions have now been empirically supported and were published in an article in "Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell"…

Text: Journal of Finance

Paper zur Veröffentlichung im Journal of Finance angenommen

Das Paper „Pockets of Predictability: A Replication“ von Prof. Thorsten Poddig, Tobias Neumaier (beide Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft) und weiteren Koautoren wurde zur Veröffentlichung im „Journal of Finance“ (VHB: A+) angenommen.

Personen auf dem Mars

Bremen Materials Science Team Clears First Hurdle on the Way to Excellence Funding

The University of Bremen submitted three draft proposals for the establishment of new Excellence Clusters as part of the federal and state governments' Excellence Strategy. One research team has now been invited by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to submit a full proposal.

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His Last Lecture - The longest-serving professor at the University of Bremen, Frieder Nake, says goodbye

On January 30, 2024, Professor Frieder Nake goes into well-deserved retirement. Well-deserved is not just a saying at this point, but a fact: the current semester was his 103rd at the University of Bremen.

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Decoding a Decade - Kamalika Datta’s Academic Journey from India to Germany

In 2013, Kamalika Datta made her first journey from India to Germany to participate in a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Bremen.

"Von Zeit zu Zeiten" am 1. Februar

Am 1. Februar um 18 Uhr im SFG 1040 findet die letzte Sitzung des Kolloquiums statt. Diesmal: Sabine Schmolinsky (Erfurt) zu Prophetie und geschichtlicher Zeit im Mittelalter.

Talk on Epistemic Standards

On February 1, Tammo Lossau and Enno Fischer will give a talk on the topic of "Epistemic Standards" in the colloquium for philosophy of science at the University of Bochum.

Lynx on the rock in the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany

Study on Illegal Killing of Lynx Published

Despite having protection status, lynx are being killed illegally, a new study by WWF Germany and the University of Bremen reveals. The results show that effective measures are urgently needed to protect the endangered population in the long term.