
Participants in the event sit in rows in the canteen and listen with interest.

University Talk: The New Mission Statement

On January 25, 2024, the "University Talk" event took place at the University of Bremen's Mensa cafeteria. Students and staff were invited to find out about the university's new mission statement and discuss it with each other.

Grafic of Astronauts on Mars next to solar panels
MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Bremen Materials Science Clear First Hurdle on the Way to Excellence Funding

"With the Martian perspective, we will rethink the production of materials under the premise of resource scarcity." 'The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm' has achieved initial success.

Grafic of Astronauts on Mars next to solar panels

Bremen Materials Science Clear First Hurdle on the Way to Excellence Funding

"With the Martian perspective, we will rethink the production of materials under the premise of resource scarcity." 'The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm' has achieved initial success.

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Congratulations to our students!

On January 25th, the final event of the Design Thinking course Entrepreneurship & Management 1A took place in the Campus Space of Sparkasse Bremen. Eight student teams presented their problem-solving concepts in a pitch.

Präsentation im Hörsaal

Constitutional Moot Court

When the fundamental rights lecture turns into a hearing before the Federal Constitutional Court


New Publication: Overcoming barriers to technology transfer – empirical evidence from the German Democratic Republic

Ann Hipp, Björn Jindra and Kehinde Medase published a research paper entitled „Overcoming barriers to technology transfer – empirical evidence from the German Democratic Republic“ in The Journal of Technology Transfer.

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OPEN ZARM: The Bremen Drop Tower Opens its Doors to the Public

An impressive 10,000 experiments in weightlessness have been carried out at the Bremen Drop Tower. To celebrate this achievement, the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen is hosting an Open Day on February 11, 2024.

Prof. Dr. Petter Bae Brandtzaeg (University of Oslo, Norway): „The Future of Free Speech in an AI-Driven Society“

Prof. Dr. Petter Bae Brandtzaeg (University of Oslo, Norway): „The Future of Free Speech in an AI-Driven Society“

30. January 2023, 18.00-20.00, SFG 1040

Stanislav Protasov, Präsident der Constructor University, Jutta Günther, Rektorin der Universität Bremen, Andreas Bovenschulte, Bürgermeister der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, Peter Hoedemaker, Vorstandsvorsitzender der „unifreunde“, (v.l.)

Academia Needs Diversity: "unifreunde" New Year's Reception at City Hall

Universities have a special social responsibility. President Jutta Günther said this at the "unifreunde" New Year's Reception at City Hall, where she spoke to around 300 guests from politics, academia, business, and society on Monday. Newly appointed professors were also welcomed at the event.

Poster für den Vortrag von John Holloway

John Holloway: Hoffnung in hoffnungslosen Zeiten

Vortrag am Dienstag, 30.01.2024, 18:00-20:00 c.t. in der Rotunde/Cartesium, Universität Bremen