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Harm successfully finisches his PhD

Right at the beginning of the year, Harm successfully defended his dissertation in the field of gas-phase MRI in catalytic reactors.

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Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (LSE, UK): "AI as knowledge capture and colonial landgrab"

28. November 2023, 18.00-20.00, Rotunde (Cartesium)

Professor Nico Hochgeschwender

New Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science: Nico Hochgeschwender

Nico Hochgeschwender joined the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24 as professor for software engineering for cognitive robotics and cognitive systems.

University of Bremen Illustration

University of Bremen Conferences in December

The Healthy City Bremen: Interprofessional, Digital, Sustainable (“Gesunde Stadt Bremen: Interprofessionell, digital, nachhaltig”) research cluster is holding a conference on December 1 titled “Healthy City.”

General knowledge for robots

From ironing to cooking – in order to function in everyday life, robots need a lot of knowledge. The KnowRob project wants to provide this.

Professor Notholt is standing at a physical instrument and has a microphone with which he explains his experiment.

Advent Physics: Experimental Show Returns to the Lecture Hall

On December 2, the Faculty of Physics at the University of Bremen invites you to an experimental show. Professor Justus Notholt, Dr. Matthias Buschmann, and the physics placement team promise not only fascinating insights into the world of physics, but also plenty of fun and excitement.


University of Bremen to Train Sports Teachers Once Again

The University of Bremen will establish a sports degree program for the 2024/25 winter semester. This was decided by the Academic Senate at the November meeting. With the new course, elementary and secondary school sports teachers will be trained.

Bei der Preisverleihung (von links nach rechts): Professor Rolf Drechsler (Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik), Henrike Illig (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik), Veronika Oechtering (Wissenschaftliche Leiterin des Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik), Professorin Christiane Floyd (Laudatorin) und Professorin Sanaz Mostaghim (Juryvorsitzende).

Informatica Feminale Awarded Prize for Outstanding Gender Equality Work

The Informatica Feminale – International Summer University for Women in Computer Science was awarded the prize for outstanding gender equality work by the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science. The prize was awarded this year for the first time.

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New Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science: Nico Hochgeschwender

Nico Hochgeschwender joined the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24 as professor for software engineering for cognitive robotics and cognitive systems.

The Arctic

Further Research into Arctic Warming and its Global Impacts

The SFB/TRR 172 "(AC)³" has been awarded a new grant and will continue its research in the third phase of DFG funding for a further four years. The focus is on improving understanding and prediction models for the rapidly increasing warming in the Arctic.