
MAPEX Research Highlights|

Tetrahedral Tetraphosphonic Acids. New Building Blocks in Supramolecular Chemistry

Alexandra Schütrumpf, Erdoğan Kirpi, Aysun Bulut, Flavien L. Morel, Marco Ranocchiari, Enno Lork, Yunus Zorlu, Simon Grabowsky, Gündoğ Yücesan, and Jens Beckmann.

ACS Crystal Growth and Design (2015) 15, 4925-4931.


The structural characterization of…

filmstill gezeichnetes Selbstpriträt mit Kamera als Kopf

»lieber penetrant als elegant!« - Maria Lassnig

film:art 71

Drei Männer in Anzügen lächeln in die Kamera

Andreas Breiter: University’s New Vice Rector for Research and Young Academics

In keeping with the title of Herbert Grönemeyer’s song “Alles bleibt anders” [Everything will remain different], the personnel change in the University management is characterized by continuity in content. With 21 votes in favor and one abstention, the Academic Senate followed a recommendation put…

Zwei junge Männer mit Preis und Auszeichnungscheck

Two Teams from the University of Bremen Win CAMPUSiDEEN Prize

Two University of Bremen student teams are winners of the CAMPUSiDEEN 2015 competition. The business start-up support initiative BRIDGE awarded the prize for the outstanding business concepts submitted by students of the University. The prize money amounts to 14,000 euros. This year’s jury decided…

Mariano Curti

Mariano Curti from Argentina visiting the group of Prof. Thorsten Gesing in October 2015

4 October - 10 October 2015

My stay at the Chemische Kristallographie fester Stoffe group was extremely positive. The excellent infrastructure of this group and the helpfulness of its members made the stay very productive, educative, and enjoyable. Without any doubt, the MAPEX grant offered me a…

Roboter, der Pfannkuchen brät

There’s a Bit of Bremen in Every Smartphone

“Research, teaching, application”: That neatly sums up the recipe for success followed by the University of Bremen’s Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI - Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik). For the past twenty years, TZI researchers have been doing a lot…

Junger Mann lacht

One of the Best Young Hackers in Germany is a Student of the University of Bremen

Henning Ziegler is one of the best young hackers in Germany. Together with four other students from Berlin, Karlsruhe and Constance, the informatics student from the University of Bremen was recently among the winners of the “Cyber Security Challenge Germany” held in Berlin. The competition is an…

Zwei junge Frauen an einer vollen Pinwand

University of Bremen Starts into the Winter Semester with 5,500 New Students

Some 5,500 new students will get off to a rousing start to their studies at the University of Bremen in winter semester 2015/16 with a mix of info events, parties, and a festive kickoff assembly held in the Goethe Theater. The ERSTI-PORTAL [freshers’ portal; in German only] contains lots of useful…

MAPEX Research Highlights|

Water adsorption in SAPO-34: elucidating the role of local heterogeneities and defects using dispersion-corrected DFT calculations

Michael Fischer.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2015) 17, 25260-25271.


The chabazite-type silicoaluminophosphate SAPO-34 is a promising adsorbent for applications in thermal energy storage using water adsorption–desorption cycles. In order to develop a microscopic…

Federal Government Grants 2.8 Million Euros for Teacher Training Concept

Teacher training at the University of Bremen will receive a substantial boost over the next three years,: Within the context of the “Quality offensive teacher training” financed by the Federal Government and the Länder, the Center for Teacher Education successfully submitted a project proposal with…