Mandatory internship

The IES program includes an obligatory internship of 8 weeks, which students usually complete between the 3rd and the 6th semester. It may be completed in Germany or also abroad.

The internship’s rules and the recognition process are described in the internship regulations of the University of Bremen for the Bachelor programs of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The planned internship must be approved by the Internship Officer before the internship’s start. It is not necessary to enrol for the internship online via PABO, however the internship must be registered through the registration form (University of Bremen - Zentrales Prüfungsamt - Formulare).

For more information, you can contact the Internship Officer, Dr. Caterina Bonora.

The registration form has to be signed by the internship’s organization also at the end of the internship. You then need to send the original copy of the signed registration form again to the Internship Officer.

You can take a look at some Internship reports below (however, they are only available in German):   

Procedural steps

1. Look for an internship offer

2. Approval from Internship Officer

3. Internship registration (via registration form, not via PABO)

4. Completion of Internship

5. At the end of internship registration form must be signed again by supervisor and handed in to Internship Officer

6. Hand in internship report max. two months after internship's end

Internship field


Internship at German delegations and cultural institutions abroad:

2024 German Embassy in Sofia (Culture and Press Department)
 2018 Deutsche Botschaft Moskau
 2016 Generalkonsulat Los Angelos
 2016 Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka
 2012 Goethe-Zentrum Genua
 2011 Goethe-Institut St. Petersburg

Internship at research, teaching and cultural institutes:

2016 Bildungsstätte Bredbeck
 2015 Staatliche Universität Osch (Kirgistan)
 2009 Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung Bonn

Internship in NGOs, foundations and associations:

2018 Verein Nigdy Więcej in Polen
 2017 Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit Warschau
 2017 MEMORIAL Perm
 2015 Info-Point Europa Hamburg
 2014 IBIS Oldenburg
(Interkulturelle Arbeitsstelle für Forschung, Dokumentation, Bildung und
 2011 Amnesty International Mexiko

Internships in Bremen:

2024 frauenseiten.bremen
 2023 Bremer Geschichtenhaus
 2018 Forschungsstelle Osteuropa
 2017 Europa-Union Bremen
 2017 Künstlerhaus Ausspann
 2017 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
 2015 Verein zur Förderung Akzeptierender Jugendarbeit
 2011 Service Bureau Jugendinformation Bremen
 2011 Europapunkt Bremen
 2011 Senator Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Bremen

Internship in journalism and media:

2023 ZDF Warsaw
 2018 Radiosender Leinehertz 106.5 Hannover
 2015 ARTE Straßburg
 2015 ZDF Landesstudio Sachsen
 2013 NDR und AWIRO e.V.
 2010 mdr Halle
 2010 Presseagentur Ffm
 2010 St. Petersburg Times
 2009 Hamburger Abendblatt

Internships in political institutions:

2024 Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
 2017 Büro der MdB Petra Pau im Deutschen Bundestag
 2016 Bremer Rat für Integration
 2016 EU-Parlament Abgeordnetenbüro Steinruck

Internships in private companies:

2016 LDS Industrieservice Verden (Aller)