Working Group International Management and Governance

Drei Personen (eine Frau und zwei Männer) stehen vor hellblauem Hintergrund


Under the direction of Professor Peter Bican, the IMG Working Group offers a comprehensive teaching program with an international orientation. Our research focuses on the strategies and structures of multinational enterprises in the context of the global economy. The resulting multidisciplinary research area, spanning perspectives of business, economics, politics and sociology, is generally referred to in the literature as International Business.

Leadership and topics

Prof. Dr. Peter Bican

man in a suit

Multinational Companies

International Management



Prof. Dr. Sarianna Lundan (on leave)

Prof. Lundan has been the inaugural editor of the new Journal of International Business Policy (JIBP)

The journal is intended to serve as a central resource for theoretical and empirical research dealing with "Policy in International Business". Although JIBP is primarily aimed at academics and researchers, the journal places particular emphasis on contributions that have concrete implications for policy makers and society at large. As a sister journal to the prestigious Journal of International Business Studies (4* 'World Elite' ranking, ABS), JIBP will complement existing business journals with this field.




Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure: New Directions for International Business Research

New publication of Sarianna Lundan and Gunnar Leymann in Transnational Corporations Journal

Working Group

The team of the IMG Working Group


What we are involved in researching


Eine Studierende macht sich in einem Seminarraum Notizen.

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