
  • Attentive listeners in the computer lab.

    Teaching at the IMG

    The Chair in International Management and Governance offers students a variety of Bachelor and Master courses to advance their knowledge in the field of International Business. The chair delivers managerial implications and advice on the role of governance structures for multinational enterprises.

For questions about our teaching, please contact

Dr. Gunnar Leymann

WIWI1 - Building, Room A 3180
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66553

Erasmus Students please contact

Anna Kehl, M.Sc.

WIWI1 - Building, Room A 3200
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66554

Teaching Philosophy

At the Chair in International Management and Governance, we teach students the basics of research in international business and encourage them to develop and discuss their own questions. The focus is on the theories of multinational companies and their complex environment, which is constantly changing due to the advancing globalization. Moreover, students will  engage with concepts in order to achieve a deeper understanding of principles of business research, quantitative and qualitative methods, all while maintaining an awareness and sensitivity to the ethical issues of research.

Courses will seek to develop and hone student’s critical, theoretical, and empirical analysis skills in order to develop the competencies to apply these concepts to real-world issues. Developing teamwork skills to analytically assess real-world situations will also be key concepts throughout the courses. In order to work towards the aforementioned goals, our teaching philosophy is simple; engaging with students who engage with the concepts at hand. We will hold ourselves accountable to the same standards which we hold students accountable. We aspire to facilitate students’ learning in the modules and maximize student interaction with the complex ideas brought forth by the learning material. Our teaching philosophy will seek to keep these questions in mind during:

  • What is the professor’s role in the modules in relation to student learning outcomes?
  • Which competencies should students achieve to acquire?
  • How do we ensure the sustainable transfer of these competencies?

Teaching Portfolio

Students in conversation.


The Chair of International Management and Governance offers the International Management course (4th semester according to study plan), International Business Environment (5th semester) and the methodology course Data Analysis in International Business – Intro to Tableau and R (5th semester). Students are introduced to the challenges for internationally operating companies with regard to the changing conditions of the global economy.

Furthermore, the Project Module International Management (5th semester) offers the opportunity to deepen learned concepts and to reflect upon them from different perspectives.

There is also the possibility of writing a Bachelor's thesis at the IMG at any time. For this, however, the accompanying seminar (only offered in the summer semester) must have been attended.

Young people work at a laptop.


The Chair in International Management and Governance offers the courses International Business Strategy, Proseminar Research Methods in International Business (both 1st semester according to study plan) as well as the courses Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy and Selected Issues in International Management (both 2nd semester). The students are taught further concepts about the strategic and organizational aspects of multinational companies in connection with advancing globalization. In addition, the Master's program integrates methodological content that is relevant for scientific work and work with economic data.

Furthermore, Project International Management (3rd semester) offers the possibility to work on a project of one’s own about the concepts learned and beyond which gives also students an opportunity to prepare for the Master's thesis.

In addition, there is the possibility to write a Master's thesis at the IMG at any time. However, our guidelines for registration and processing should be observed.
