Project Details

LSC DiPH: Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health

Duration: 01.08.2019 - 31.01.2024
Research Team:

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann (Clustersprecherin)

Project Type: Third-party funded project
Funding: Leibniz-Gesellschaft, Land Bremen, Leibniz-Institut BIPS


How can digital technologies be integrated effectively, fairly and in line with the principles of human dignity in prevention, health promotion and other public health tasks? LSC DiPH comprises a team of more than 80 members from the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, the University of Bremen, the University of Oldenburg, OFFIS e.V. and the Fraunhofer MEVIS Institute. This combination of expertise forms the core of the campus, fostering collaboration between public health researchers, technology experts, and other diverse fields.

The ongoing digitalisation of medicine is rapidly changing the healthcare system. eHealth and mHealth measures to promote health - known as digital public health - are becoming increasingly important. However, the use of digital technologies is often based on the technical possibilities and not on the needs of the population. This can certainly lead to useful applications, but also to technologies that do not fulfil the requirements of evidence-based public health and create new ethical, socio-cultural and justice-related challenges. The Leibniz ScienceCampus "Digital Public Health" aims to find answers to these challenges. Among other things, the researchers are addressing the question of how digital technologies can be integrated into prevention, health promotion and other public health tasks in a way that is effective, fair and compatible with the principles of human dignity.