Social Epidemiology

Ausschnitt der 17 Ziele für die nachhaltige Entwicklung, politische Zielsetzungen der Vereinten Nationen


Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte
Phone +49 421 218-68820

Christina Müller
Phone +49 421 218-68821

Grazer Street 4
28359 Bremen

Welcome to the website of the Department of Social Epidemiology at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research.

Establishing Health Equity in All Policies is the mission of our research. As an interdisciplinary team, we combine social and environmental epidemiological concepts and methods from a public health perspective in our research.



Research Focuses

  • Urban Health
  • Environmental Justice—Equal opportunities in the context of environmental health
  • Sex/Gender-Sensitive Public Health Research and Epidemiology
  • Equity impact of public health interventions

For more information about our research focuses click here.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities

The Department of Social Epidemiology of the IPP has been designated as the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities in May 2019. As WHO Collaborating Centre we assist WHO with our expertise in the research field of social inequalities in environment and health.

Further information on the activities of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities can be found here.


We offer several seminars, courses and lectures within the degree programs Public Health/Health Sciences (BA and MA) and Epidemiology (MSc) as well as in the area of comprehensive courses (General Studies) at the Faculty Human and Health Sciences.

We supervise Bachelor’s and Master’s theses as well as dissertations primarily in the fields of our research focuses.

It is possible to carry out the period of practical training in Public Health (BA) with a focus on epidemiology at our institute.


Fotos von Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte, Dr. Stefanie Dreger und Ellen Senck

Innovationcommunity Urban Health started with management project and experimental spaces

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte, Dr. Stefanie Dreger and Ellen Senck conduct transdisciplinary research on implementation gaps in the context of environmental justice

Das Foto zeigt eine Hausfassade in Bremen-Blumenthal mit einer Brache und einem Bauzaun davor.
Sozialepidemiologie| Epidemiologie des demographischen Wandels|

Joint project “SalusTransform” starts: Evaluation of measures for equitable health-promoting urban development

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promotes innovative interdisciplinary research of Prof. Gabriele Bolte and Prof. Karin Bammann at the IPP with 900.000 €

Cover des Flyers

Adequate integration of gender in quantitative health research

Compact presentation of the newly developed instruments for implementation by Prof Dr Gabriele Bolte and Sophie Horstmann

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Gesundheit und Gesellschaft| Sozialepidemiologie| Public Health-Ethik und Health Humanities|

“Innovative teaching in public health and nursing science” - 21st edition of IPPinfo newly published

The focus of the current issue: innovative and participative learning formats in public health and nursing science. For the first time with numerous contributions from students!

Tagung Forschungscluster Gesunde Stadt Bremen 2024

"Healthy City" Conference - successful networking of practice and research on November 29, 2024

This year, the Research Cluster "Healthy City Bremen" set a focus of the conference on connecting practice and research discussing the "Healthy Cities" approach from various perspectives together with experts and researchers from Bremen and Bremerhaven.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte elected into the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association

Presentation at the general meeting on November 21, 2024, in Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung| Sozialepidemiologie| Pflegewissenschaftliche Evaluations- und Implementierungsforschung|

IPP Board of Directors confirmed in office on 13 November 2024

Birte Berger-Höger and Benjamin Schüz re-elected as members of the Board of Directors, Gabriele Bolte re-elected as Managing Director of IPP

Logo Integrierter Gesundheitscampus Bremen
Qualifikations- und Curriculumforschung| Sozialepidemiologie|

Bremen Public Health and Nursing scientists campaign for Integrated Health Campus Bremen IGB

In a letter to the Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection and the Senator for Environment, Climate and Science, representatives of Department 11, the IPP and the SOCIUM speak out in favor of the continued existence of the IGB for network work

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Heat Action Plan Bremen – Bremerhaven published

Focus on health equity based on the expertise of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

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Newly published: Checklist for the theory-based, comprehensive integration of sex/gender in the research process of quantitative health research

Publication from the INGER research network under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Screenshot der Startseite der Online-Toolbox des Projekts DIVERGesTOOL

Toolbox for assessing sex/gender diversity in quantitative health research

Summary publication on the development and content of the DIVERGesTOOL project toolbox published

Foto von Gabriele Bolte

Promising approaches for an integrated monitoring for health-promoting urban development

Invited lecture by Gabriele Bolte in the series “City Diagnoses” of the Global Health Hub Germany

Fotos von Stefanie Dreger und Gabriele Bolte

Great success for the IPP: Innovationcommunity Urban Health selected for funding within DATIpilot of the BMBF

Stefanie Dreger and Gabriele Bolte conduct transdisciplinary research on implementation gaps in the context of environmental justice

Matthias Zündel, Gabriele Bolte, Stefanie Dreger, Frank Schmidt (v.l.n.r.)

Double perspectives in Bremen's city centre: art meets science

Prof Gabriele Bolte and Dr Stefanie Dreger from the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen give a lecture on the topic of "Health and Nature" at an event in the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum.

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Global Health| Sozialepidemiologie|

WHO Meeting in Bonn on heat health action plans

New heat health action guidance being developed by WHO

Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung| Sozialepidemiologie| Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Digital population-based health in Germany: An edition of the Bundesgesundheitsblatt highlights future potential

The latest issue of the Bundesgesundheitsblatt "Digital population-based health in Germany - examples from research at the Leibniz Science Campus Digital Public Health" focuses on the digital transformation in healthcare and combines exemplary papers on the potential of digital technologies.

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Report on climate justice in Germany published for the first time

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte investigates health equity in climate change impacts

Portrait Gabriele Bolte

Urban Epidemiology as an integrative approach for sustainable, health-promoting urban development

Prof. Gabriele Bolte presents strategies from the recently published paper at the ninth conference City of the future - healthy, sustainable metropolitan areas

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20th issue of IPP-Info newly published - Launch of our new online reader survey

In focus: Gender and intersectionality in health science research

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Co-designing Public Space: In Policy and Practice

Team from IPP's Social Epidemiology Department tests new design approaches in international project

A blossoming cherry tree backlit by the sun.

WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health Inequalities

Wortwolke Public Health-Projekte, Abteilung Sozialepidemiologie


Projects of the Department of Social Epidemiology

Cartoon Barcamp


Poster-Walk von DIVERGesTOOL


Events of the Department of Social Epidemiology

Fahrradfahrer:innen - Demonstration für das richtige Abstandhalten im Straßenverkehr, Ritterhude


IPP-Writings and Working Tools of the Department of Social Epidemiology

Cartoon Team


Overview of the Member of the Department of Social Epidemiology

viele Menschen, Profilansicht, überlappend, farbig

Working Group on Intersectional Gender Perspectives

Farbiges Papier


Publications of the Department of Social Epidemiology

Cartoon Vorlesung


Presentations and Poster of the Department of Social Epidemiology