Public Health Ethics and Health Humanities

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Head of Working Group:
PD Dr. phil. Solveig Lena Hansen
Tel.: +49 421 218-68634

Katrin Hoffmann Clemente
Tel.: +49-421-218-68509

Grazer Straße 2
28359 Bremen


Working Group "Public Health Ethics and Health Humanities"

The working group was established at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) in 2023. The working group develops its projects through the involvement of student expertise and in collaboration with national and international cooperation partners.

Public Health Ethics deals with the determination, evaluation and prioritization of possible approaches in the field of public health. It is based on ethical principles and values, but also on the convictions of interest groups. Public health ethics works on an interdisciplinary basis to develop solutions to ethical and social challenges. In our understanding, public health ethics focuses on maintaining and improving the conditions for a healthy and good life as a collective practice. The normative basis are concepts of social justice.

Health humanities are an interface between health sciences, humanities and the arts. They are regarded as research approaches that have diversified writing, thinking and speaking about illness and health. The creative or visual arts are relevant, as are concepts from the humanities and epistemological methodologies. Social, normative and historical contexts are included in the consideration of the healthcare system and subjective well-being. Health Humanities are not to be understood as an alternative to other areas of the health sciences, but rather offer a complementary perspective.

Research Foci

  • Social justice as the normative foundation of public health
  •  Health Humanities
  • Public Health Ethics Teaching
  •  Body weight: socio-cultural and ethical aspects
  •  Organ transplantation: socio-cultural, ethical and preventive aspects


We convey the basics of public health ethics and health humanities in a variety of courses, which are related to current topics and issues of our research projects.

In the BA Public Health, the working group offers seminars in the following modules:

  •     Social Inequalities, Justice and Health
  •     Health Humanities
  •     Writing the Bachelor thesis
  •     Good scientific practice

The following courses are offered in the Master's degree programs:

  • Ethics and Public Health (MA Public Health: Health Promotion and Prevention and MA Public Health: Health Care, Economics and Management)
  • Ethics and Epidemiology (M.Sc. Epidemiology)
  • Research ethics in the project seminar (MA Public Health: Health Promotion and Prevention)


Theses on the following topics can be written in the working group: Public health ethics, didactics of public health ethics, health humanities, health communication, organ transplantation, body weight/obesity, disability, gender/intersectionality, qualitative or hermeneutic methods.


[Translate to English:]
Gesundheit und Gesellschaft| Sozialepidemiologie| Public Health-Ethik und Health Humanities|

“Innovative teaching in public health and nursing science” - 21st edition of IPPinfo newly published

The focus of the current issue: innovative and participative learning formats in public health and nursing science. For the first time with numerous contributions from students!

[Translate to English:]
Public Health-Ethik und Health Humanities|

Call for Abstracts, Students‘ Conference, Dead-line: November 15th, 2023

Health literacy and public institutions: What are the responsibilities of professional actors? We are looking for you and your poster presentation on March 4th & 5th, 2024!

[Translate to English:]
Public Health-Ethik und Health Humanities|

Project start: Health equity and high body weight: On the importance of empirically-informed ethics for health policy analysis.

A new research project at IPP on health equity and high body weight will start on 01.10.2023.

Auf dem Bild ist in türkis ein gemalter Zweig zu sehen.


Our Group Members

Auf dem Bild ist in lila eine Blume zu sehen.

Talks and Posters

Talks, Workshops and Posters from our Working Group

Auf dem Bild ist in gelb ein gemalter Zweig zu sehen.


Our Projects

Auf dem gelben Bild ist ein Rundbogen mit Strahlen zu sehen, die an eine Sonne erinnern.

Open Space Public Health Ethics

Our student conferences

Auf dem Bild ist in pink eine Wiese zu sehen.


Our Publications

Auf dem blauen Bild sind Linien zu sehen, die an eine Lichterkette erinnern.

Health Humanities and Audiovisual Cultures (He:Ku)

Post Doc-Network