KAM membership

KAM membership – if possible all academic employees!

KAM  - The Acacemic Staff Association! Members can be (according to BremHG & statutes of KAM): academic or artistic assistant, lecturer, academic senior assistant or senior engineer, academic or artistic employee in accordance with § 23 BremHG, teacher for specific tasks (§ 24 BremHG), or a Bremen-„lecturer“, or a sporadic lecturer, also a scholarship recipient in a graduate college, of the Bremen PhD program, or any other PhD-scholarship supported by the University of Bremen, and other enrolled doctoral candidate or post-doctoral „Habilitant“ at University of Bremen.

Since 1999, academic employees must declare their membership (here click to the form). Membership does not lead to any obligation. You then receive information from  KRAM on a regular basis. Please send you application to:

Dr. Ronald Stöver / KRAM via Unipost:Zentrum für Technomathematik, MZH 2310 or with signature scan via email: stoeverprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Be aware that about 95% of the 2000 academic employees at the University of Bremen work only for 2-6 years here. As a collegial board, KRAM needs therefore ongoing new membership applicants in order to do its voluntary work properly.

In conclusion, please: become a member fpr your time at University of Bremen. Inform new colleagues about KRAM as this university's representatives board of academic staff. KRAM secures long-term representation of our shared interests, provides overall an important recollection of events, and offers a regular basis for exchange of insights between colleagues from many departments.

KAM members receive minutes of KRAM-sessions and other information via email on a regular basis. (Earlier minutes can be send on request, if need be contact KRAM spokespersons).


Own activity – KAM membership and contribution in the council KRAM

All KAM members elect for a period of two years members of their KRAM – theAcademic Staff Council. This council meets in a bimonthly rhythm, and also if warrented. KAM-members have access to the minutes of all coucil-meetings. Even if you are not officially elected – every academic employee is invited to participate and become active in our meetings and beyond!

KRAM feels it is desirable to include colleagues from all departments and central scientific units. Only by exchange of impressions is it possible to recognize structural and social issues with effects for the academic staff, and only such recognition allows us to talk about these issues with the management. Never is it possible to include all departments by election means, therefore all colleagues interested are of course welcome in the meetings.


Dr. Stefan Thierse (chair- & spokesperson)
Email: kramprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Studierende lernen gemeinsam in der Cafeteria des GW 2.

More about


Here you can find the KAM registration/membership declaration

The statutes of KRAM in German