KRAM topics

KRAM members are focussing on topics concerning academic employees, represented by the following selection:

  • Academic career paths development
  • Carreer advancing additional occupational training for academic employees
  • Cross-linking with other agencies of representation of interest of employees
  • Conflict management – trustworthy and reliable
  • "Guidepost" role in the university-dschungle and in event of problemswards and beside professorship
  • Initiation of exchange sessions among specific groups of academic employees and as warrented
  • Laws and their realisation for academic employees
  • Leadership culture development
  • Lecturers of the university: exchange sessions each term
  • Occupational safety and occupational health management (work hours, ergonomics)
  • Surveys among academic employees about specific topics
  • Term-talk with university management
  • Visits in faculties, departments or research units: on request, KRAM a spokesperson visits assemblies of academic employees in their department
  • Welcome workshops for newly employed academic employees
  • Work contracts (form, period, preceedings)

These subject matters are not 1 by 1 reflected below; in real university life these aspects occure interconnected in certain relations!

KRAM partakes in the democratic development of informed opinion and decision making in discussion circles, by suggesting concepts or formates for a subject matter or its treatment. Thus, KRAM supports foremost that affected persons can become participants! KRAM philosophy: we feel it important that affected parties are enabled to voice their interests, instead of merely speaking for them.



Dr. Stefan Thierse (chair- & spokesperson)
Email: kramprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two people in conversation at an office table.

Welcome workshops

Newly contracted academic employees find many helpful information during the welcome workshop; colleagues not understanding any German may contact the KRAM chairperson for a pre-workshop in English.

A young woman smiles at the camera.

Academic career paths

Development of career path for academic employees is a key issue of the KRAM (see also "Links & Documents")

Three people in conversation at a table.

Development of humane leadership

KRAM supports the development of a humane and fair leadership culture in all areas of the University of Bremen.