Highlights & Events

We organize special events which you’re welcome to attend. All these events are communicated via our website under the heading CURRENT EVENTS and via our mailing list MATS Info. For more information and links to our events, please visit our facebook page.
Congratulations: The MA programme Transculutral Studies has been evaluated successfully by the System Accreditation organized by University of Bremen, and has been officially prolongued until September 2029.
Banning of pandemics by ham?
MATS-graduate Alexander Reuter analysed the historical work "Pestschinken von Friesyothe" in his thesis (2020); his book has been published just recently by Waxmann, Münster: www.waxmann.com/buch4313
Our MATS-allumni Vera Heimisch could publish her special magazine INTERVENTIONS, focussing on postcolonial artistic interventions, by support of the Heinrich Böll foundation. Download the latest version here: https://boell-bremen.de/de/interventionen
Our annual welcome ceremony for the year’s intake of new MATS students takes place in mid-October, together with a leaving party for all those celebrating having successfully completed a MATS thesis. The Ethnographic Film Festival with current productions by students and internationally renowned film-makers takes place in mid-November. In cooperation with bik, INPUTS and WoC, we also organize special events on postcolonial spaces and memorial work in Bremen. All these events are communicated via our mailing list “mats-info”. For registration to this list, please contact our secretary Ms. Stubbemann.