B.A. Art-Media-Aesthetic Education

The B.A. Art - Media - Aesthetic education brings together the core disciplines of art science, film and media sciences as well as art education together with fields of practice to an integrative study program. The program conveys comprehensive cultural-historical, genre-specific and media-specific knowledge of aesthetic products and works of art, their conditions of origin and the social contexts in which they interact with other objects, product designs and stagings. In the field of art science, as well as film and media studies, the conditions and effects of perception in artistic and media production and processes in (audio-) visual culture and film, as well as in space and architecture are particularly addressed. The study combines analysis, contextualization and mediation of artistic and media objects and processes. The integrative entanglement of the core sciences aims to take into account in particular the contemporary forms of artistic production and their mediation and to take equal account of their aesthetic, material and medial, their symbolic and reflective aspects.


Students talking on the university boulevard.

The B.A. Art - Media - Aesthetic Education focuses on interdisciplinary education. In the practice of research and teaching artistic and media objects and practices are analyzed in the context of their stories with the instrument of art and media science approaches, historically and culturally contextualized and further investigated in terms of forms of innovative art and cultural mediation in different formal and informal educational situations. Fields of practice are integrated into the study concept for all fields of study. One focus is on the analysis and testing of handling styles and arrangement models in connection with concrete projects in presentation institutions, such as museums or exhibitions. Furthermore, the study offers learning, testing and didactic reflection of media-based teaching strategies of artistic design and art and media theoretical content in schools, museums and exhibitions. In the field of art education the field of aesthetic education and subject didactics is deepened. The ability to practice one's own artistic practice is supported as well as a critically reflective and productive way of dealing with the media. The organizational summary in a B.A. has advantages for the disciplines. The students with scientific orientation are also confronted with questions of practical fields and mediation. The pedagogically interested students acquire comprehensive specialist knowledge, which provides the basis for a productive engagement with aesthetic education, subject didactics and their practical implementation.

Logo of the University of Bremen.

Start and Duration of the Study Program

The beginning of studies is always in the winter semester, which officially starts on October 1st. In the middle to the end of October, the first semester students will be introduced to the program during an orientation week. Afterwards the courses begin, which last until mid-February. Many exams have to be taken during the first weeks of the lecture-free period after the end of the classes.

The summer semester starts on April 1st and ends on September 30th. The courses of the summer semester last from about mid-April to mid-July. The exact semester times can be found here. The BA. Study Program Art - Media - Aesthetic Education is structured so that it can be completed after six semesters. After this standard period of study, the BAföG funding is aimed. The language of instruction is German, but there are also occasional events offered in English. It is also advisable to complete a semester abroad. But it is not obligatory.

Working place with laptop, papers and pens.

Structure and content of the study program

The study course plan is a recommendation for the course of study. Modules can be attended by the students in a different order, provided that no admission requirements according to § 5 are required.


Credit points are awarded for a course according to workload. One CP equals approximately 30 working hours. The working hours not only take into account the presence time at the university, but also include the preparation and follow-up of the event, e.g. for research and reading, writing a term paper, learning for an exam. If the studies are to be completed within the standard period of study, 30 CP per semester or 60 CP per year must be provided. With 30 working hours per CP, the workload is about 40 hours per week.

Compulsory and optional subjects:

The modules offer a variety of options between courses.

Major fields of study / specialization:

In the profile subject, module 12 "Deepening" focuses on the field of art science, media aesthetics or mediation.

Profile area / General Studies / Education/ Internship:

In the profile subject, 18CPc should be visited as freely elective individual General Studies courses from the offer of FB 09 and the University of Bremen. An internship of at least six weeks must be done in the profile subject in a cultural institution. In the teacher training option, school practical parts in subject didactics must be studied.

2 Personen schauen sich Kunstwerke im Bildhauerateilier an

Qualification and fields of activity

The bachelor's degree program Art - Media - Aesthetic Education lays the foundations for further Master's programs. At the University of Bremen, graduates can study the following master's degree programs, depending on the chosen focus:

- MA Fine Arts and Film Studies

- M Ed Art - Media - Aesthetic education with the professional goal of teaching

  •     primary schools
  •     Secondary
  •     High schools / comprehensive schools
  •     Special education / Inclusive pedagogy in combination with the teacher training for elementary schools

In addition, the study Art - Media - Aesthetic Education allows entry into a variety of extracurricular professions. Work areas are u.a. in the cultural field (exhibitions, museums, art collections, art and cultural mediation), in the administration and maintenance of monuments, in the art trade, as well as in film and media institutions, film collections and archives, film festivals, as well as in journalism (publishers, journals, Radio / TV, Internet), in private companies (Art Consulting), in tourism and in research and teaching.

In many cases, however, additional qualifications are required which the study alone can not provide. In addition to the knowledge required, the areas of particular interest include IT, public relations, additional foreign languages, economics and law, and education. Those who feel appropriate inclinations, should focus here with the choice of minor subjects, with internships and training. Additional knowledge is often further developed after graduation. For some career goals, such as restoration, art trade, journalism, etc., additional training may be required. Many of those in employment also continue to work extra-occupationally. In particular, freelance art scholars often work in several fields. Corresponding specializations lay the foundation for the final career choice.

Two people in conversation at an office table.

Prerequisits for study

A formal requirement is a certificate of general or subject-related higher education entrance qualification (eg Abitur). The study course Art - Media - Aesthetic Education is restricted, it means, the number of study places is limited and the admission to the study takes place according to the average grade of the graduation certificate or the waiting period. Recommended abilities are aesthetic perception and language expressiveness and interest in artistic, media and cultural issues. Those interested in the teaching option also need to have the design skills they need to present during the first two semesters.


Computer keyboard.

Application and registration

Information for prospective students

Deadline for applications:

  • Winter semester: 15th July
  • Summer semester: 15th January

For the summer semester, only applications from advanced applicants will be considered. Matriculation as a beginner is not possible!

The application is made for undergraduate students online at www.uni-bremen.de. For special applications (eg advanced, hardship) please use the forms provided by the University of Bremen only.

You will find information on the application form and study program in the brochure "Studying at the University of Bremen". It will be available from the end of April in the administrative building of the University of Bremen, at schools in Bremen and the surrounding area of ​​Bremen, as well as at the vocational guidance office of the Bremen Employment Agency.

Secretariat for Students SfS (Matriculation Office)

The SfS advises applicants on admission and enrollment issues.

Visiting address:
Bibliothekstraße 1 - Administration building, ground floor, entrance area

Postal address:
Universität Bremen
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen
Phone: +49 (421) 218-61110
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Office hours:
Mon, Tues,Thurs: 9:00 – 12:00 h
Wed: 14:00 – 16:00 h (without reservation)

Secretariat for international students SfS international

The SfS-i is responsible for questions concerning the admission and enrollment of foreign students.

Visiting address:
Bibliothekstraße 1 - Administration building, ground floor, entrance area

Postal address:
Universität Bremen
SfS international
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen
Phone: +49 (421) 218-61002
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Office hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 9:00 – 12:00 h
Wed: 14:00 – 16:00 h (without registration)

Books lie in a shelf.

Possible subject combinations

The subject Art - Media - Aesthetic Education is selectable in the scientific profile as

- profile or complementary subject in the two-subject Bachelor;
- in studies with teaching option for
    - Gymnasium / Oberschule as a subject with a teacher's option in a two-subject Bachelor;
    - Elementary school as a "large" or a "small" subject in the three-subject Bachelor, in combination with German and elementary mathematics;
    - Special Education / Including education as a "small" subject, in combination with special education / including education and German and / or elementary mathematics.

In the two-subject Bachelor, the two subjects are matriculated; in the three-subject Bachelor in the three subjects. In the subject-specific profile, the profile area is integrated in the curriculum of the profile subject. In the Bachelor's degree option, subject didactics and educational science are compulsory subjects.

The permitted subject combinations for the vocational field school vary according to the types of school listed here. Further information can be found in the brochure "Bachelor / Master with the professional field of school" or here. In general, all combinations of profile and complementary subject offered by the University of Bremen are possible.

Following complementary subjects are possible:

  • in the context of culture / aesthetics: cultural studies, musicology

  • in the context language - texts - signs: Kommunikations- u. Media Studies, German Studies / German, Linguistics 

  • in the context of society: philosophy, economics, educational science 

  • in the context of historicity: history, religious studies

The University of Bremen plans the schedule of the courses of the subjects the way that as many subject combinations as possible can be studied without any overlap. When studying two or three subjects, however, it is not always possible to avoid temporal overlaps of courses. Here you will find more information about the non-overlapping courses.

A student on the university boulevard.

Bachelor's degree

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

The degree in the two-subject bachelor's degree program with a scientific profile is determined by the subject discipline of the profile subject. If the study subject Art - Media - Aesthetic Education is chosen as a profile subject, then the study is completed with the title Bachelor of Arts. The bachelor's degree with teaching option ends with the Bachelor of Arts degree. The title Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) can be acquired only with the combination of two scientific subjects.

Students sit at a table in front of Café Central.

Costs and living

Students have to pay a semester fee per semester (as of summer semester 2018: 331.42 €). From the 15th semester and from the age of 55, an additional € 500 will be charged. Information about the semester fee can be found at the student office and tuition fees under the following link.

The city and the country Bremen are presented on www.bremen.de . Apartment offers are published there and at the Studentenwerk Bremen. Students who relocate to Bremen for the first time receive an one-time welcome gift of 150, - €.


GW2 B3890

Petra Pape
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-67700
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Ania Mohammadi
Tel.: +49 (0)421 218-67702
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Modul Manuals

B.A. Profile subject option
B.A. complementary subject option
B.A. teaching training option
B.A. BiPEB UF (elementary and primary education)
B.A. BiPEB EF(elementary and primary education)
for students who started their studies in winter semester WiSe 2019/2020

B.A. profile subject, complementary subject and teacher training option
for students who started their studies in winter semester WiSe 2017/2018

B.A.profile subject, complementary subject and teacher training option
for students who started their studies from winter semester 2015/2016 to winter semester 2016/17

B.A.profile subject, complementary subject and teacher training option
for students who started their studies before winter semester 015/2016

B.A.education sciences of elementary and primary education (small and large subjects)