Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch

Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch

Academic and Managing Director of the SZHB

Professor of Research into Language Learning and Teaching | Faculty 10

University of Bremen
GW 2, Room A 3.190

Tel. 0421 218-61967
Fax 0421 218-98-61967
Email: harsch(at)

The information on my current research work is available only in German at the moment.

Please refer to the German page for further details.


Overview of third-party funding:


Funding body

Project / Title

Project holder(s)



British Council Scotland

Travel Grant: Funded research visit to Dr Matt Poehner, Pennsylvania State University, College of Education, USA

Claudia Harsch



ETS TOEFL Committee of Examiners

“Investigating the Predictive Validity of TOEFL iBT® Scores and Enhancing International Students’ Experience”

Principle Investigator: Claudia Harsch
Co-Investigators at Warwick: 
E. Ushioda, C. Ladroue



European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme

“video for ALL. Digital video as tool for language learning

PI: Paolo Cremolo, Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd, in cooperation with seven European partners
Co-Is at Warwick: Steve Mann, Claudia Harsch



Applied 2013

Leverhulme Fellowship

“Intercultural Competencies for the Global Workplace – conceptualisation and assessment”

Claudia Harsch

Applied for £17,536
not awarded



“Conceptualising Intercultural Competences and Assessing Graduates' Preparedness for the Global Workplace”

Claudia Harsch
Partly in cooperation with Matt Poehner, Penn State Uni, USA

Internally funded


ESRC, Warwick Collaborative Postgraduate Research Studentship, in collaboration with Pearson Language Testing

Funding of a PhD studentship

“Investigating the predictive Validity of the Pearson PTE Academic”

Claudia Harsch (supervisor)

Total £9,000
£3,000 / annum


Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, Reg. No. HA 5050/2-3

“Modellierung von Kompetenzen mit mehrdimensionalen Item-Response-Theory Modellen (IRT): Erforschung von schwierigkeits­bestimmenden Merkmalen von Sprachtests.” Projekt im Schwer­punktprogramm " Kompetenz­modelle zur Erfassung individu­eller Lernergebnisse und zur Bilanzierung von Bildungspro­zessen " (SPP 1293).

PI: Prof Johannes Hartig, DIPF, Frankfurt/Main
Co-I: Claudia Harsch

Phase 2

Phase 1






Please refer to the corresponding German page for details of my C.V.

An overview of my publications and talks is available at


Updated by: SZHB