Publication details

Cavity Light-Matter Entanglement through Quantum Fluctuations

G. Passetti, C. J. Eckhardt, M. A. Sentef, and D. M. Kennes

Phys. Rev. Lett.  131, 023601

The hybridization between light and matter forms the basis to achieve cavity control over quantum materials. In this Letter we investigate a cavity coupled to a quantum chain of interacting spinless fermions by numerically exact solutions and perturbative analytical expansions. We draw two important conclusions about such systems: (i) Specific quantum fluctuations of the matter system play a pivotal role in achieving entanglement between light and matter; and (ii) in turn, light-matter entanglement is a key ingredient to modify electronic properties by the cavity. We hypothesize that quantum fluctuations of those matter operators to which the cavity modes couple are a general prerequisite for light-matter entanglement in the ground state. Implications of our findings for light-matter-entangled phases, cavity-modified phase transitions in correlated systems, and measurement of light-matter entanglement through Kubo response functions are discussed.
