
Arctic zooplankton
Arctic zooplankton

Zooplankton occupies a central role in marine food webs. It forms a link of phytoplankton primary production to higher trophic levels including commercially important fish stocks, seabirds and marine mammals. Zooplankton species are very sensitive indicators of ocean health as their distribution is directly coupled to hydrographic properties and ocean currents. Moreover, they have short life cycles, quickly responding to environmental change. Zooplankton is a very diverse community consisting of many taxonomic groups, which makes species identification and biodiversity assessments challenging. In order to structure this huge biodiversity and to understand the impact of zooplankton on ecosystem services, scientific focus has shifted to functional traits during the last couple of years. Our research team combines zooplankton community analyses with studies on functional traits and trophic interactions in order to characterize and quantify the ecology role of zooplankton taxa.

Example publications:

  • Bode-Dalby M, Würth R, Dias Fernandes de Oliveira L, Lamont T, Verheye HM, Schukat A, Hagen W, Auel H (2022) Small is beautiful: the important role of small copepods in carbon budgets of the southern Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Plankton Research 45: 110-128.
  • Kaiser P, Hagen W, von Appen W-J, Niehoff B, Hildebrandt N, Auel H (2021) Effects of a submesoscale oceanographic filament on zooplankton dynamics in the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 625395.
  • Schukat A, Hagen W, Dorschner S, Correa Acosta J, Luz Pinedo Arteaga E, Ayón P, Auel H (2021). Zooplankton ecological traits maximize the trophic transfer efficiency of the Humboldt Current upwelling system. Progress in Oceanography 193: 102551.
  • Teuber L, Hagen W, Bode M, Auel H (2019) Who is who in the tropical Atlantic? Functional traits, ecophysiological adaptations and life strategies in tropical calanoid copepods. Progress in Oceanography 171: 128-135.
  • Bode M, Hagen W, Cornils A, Kaiser P, Auel H (2018) Copepod distribution and biodiversity patterns from the surface tot he deep sea along a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (24°N to 21°S). Progress in Oceanography 161: 66-77.
  • Bode M, Auel H, Kreiner A, van der Plas A, Louw D, Horaeb R, Hagen W (2014) Spatio-temporal variability of copepod abundance along the 20° S monitoring transect in the northern Benguela Upwelling System from 2005 to 2011. PLoS ONE 9(5): 297738.
  • Schukat A, Bode M, Auel H, Carballo R, Martin B, Koppelmann R, Hagen W (2013) Pelagic decapods in the northern Benguela upwelling system: Distribution, ecophysiology and contribution to active carbon flux. Deep-Sea Research I 75: 146-156.
  • Schukat A, Teuber L, Hagen W, Wasmund N, Auel H (2013) Energetics and carbon budgets of dominant calanoid copepods in the northern Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 442: 1-9.

We apply common techniques for morphological and molecular species identification („integrative taxonomy“) and for assessing population connectivity and genetic diversity within a species. By looking at the standing stock of genetic variation, which lies at the basis of adaptation processes, and genetic connectivity patterns, we can better assess a species‘ resilience to environmental changes. Using (e)DNA metabarcoding datasets generated, typically producing high amounts of short DNA reads, we aim to infer population connectivity of various taxa, which is based on a new, still underexplored field called metaphylogeography.

Example publications:

  • Murray A, Praebel K, Desiderato A, Auel H, Havermans C (2023) Phylogeography and molecular diversity of two highly abundant Themisto amphipod species in a rapidly changing Arctic Ocean. Ecology and Evolution 13(8): e10359.
  • Havermans C, Hagen W, Zeidler W, Held C, Auel H (2019) A survival pack for escaping predation in the open ocean: amphipod-pteropod associations in the Southern Ocean. Marine Biodiversity 49(3): 1361-1370.
  • Kaiser P, Bode M, Cornils A, Hagen W, Martínez Arbizu P, Auel H, Laakmann S (2018) High-resolution community analysis of deep-sea copepods using MALDI-TOF protein fingerprinting. Deep Sea Research I 138: 122-130.
  • Havermans C, Seefeldt MA, Held C (2018) A biodiversity survey of scavenging amphipods in a proposed marine protected area: the Filchner area in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology41(7): 1371-1390.
  • Bode M, Laakmann S, Kaiser P, Hagen W, Auel H, Cornils A (2017) Unravelling diversity of deep-sea copepods using integrated morphological and molecular techniques. Journal of Plankton Research 39: 600-617.

With experimental work, exposing individuals of a certain species to different temperatures, we can identify the thermal window of its geographic populations along a poleward gradient, or its different life stages. This is done using ecophysiological measurements (e.g. respiration rate) and the evaluation of gene expression patterns, e.g. with whole-transcriptome analyses.  Such experiments based on thermal stress or a combination of multiple stressors allow to disentangle the role of local adaptation and to predict range shifts.

Example publications:

  • Martinez-Alarcón D, Held C, Harms L, Auel H, Hagen W, Havermans C (2024) Race to the poles: the thermal response of the transcriptome of two range-expanding pelagic amphipod species. Frontiers in Marine Science11: 1336024.
  • Kaiser P, Hagen W, Bode-Dalby M, Auel H (2022) Tolerant but facing increased competition: Arctic zooplankton versus Atlantic invaders in a warming ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 908638.
  • Auel H, Hagen W (2017) Eine virtuelle Reise durch die Weltmeere - über Energieflüsse, Nahrungswege und Anpassungspfade. In: Faszination Meeresforschung Ein ökologisches Lesebuch (G Hempel, K Bischof, W Hagen, Hsgr.), 2. Auflage, Springer, Heidelberg, N.Y.
  • Schukat A, Bode M, Auel H, Carballo R, Martin B, Koppelmann R, Hagen W (2013) Pelagic decapods in the northern Benguela upwelling system: Distribution, ecophysiology and contribution to active carbon flux. Deep-Sea Research I 75: 146-156.
  • Teuber L, Schukat A, Hagen W, Auel H (2013) Distribution and ecophysiology of calanoid copepods in relation to the oxygen minimum zone in the eastern tropical Atlantic. PLoS ONE 8(11): e77590.

Trophic biomarkers such as fatty acids and stable isotopes (15N, 13C) provide powerful tools to study predator-prey interactions and food-web structure. They are based on the fact that certain biochemical components of the prey are incorporated into the consumer’s body tissue largely unchanged. “You are what you eat!” At the same time, they integrate dietary spectra over longer time spans of weeks to months compared to stomach/gut content analysis, which can only provide a snapshot of the latest meal. Our research team analyzes fatty acid profiles by gas-chromatography in order to elucidate feeding relationships in marine ecosystems and to trace dietary signals along the food chain. In addition, the stable isotope ratio of 13C provides information about primary production at the basis of the food web, whereas the stable isotope ratio of 15N can be used to characterize the trophic levels/positions of consumers.

Example publications:

  • Bode M, Hagen W, Schukat A, Teuber L, Fonseca-Batista D, Dehairs F, Auel H (2016) Feeding strategies of tropical and subtropical calanoid copepods throughout the eastern Atlantic Ocean - Latitudinal and bathymetric aspects. Progress in Oceanography138: 268-282.
  • Teuber L, Schukat A, Hagen W, Auel H (2014) Trophic interactions and life strategies of epi- to bathypelagic calanoid copepods in the tropical Atlantic. Journal of Plankton Research 36: 1109-1123. 
  • Schukat A, Auel H, Teuber L, Lahajnar N, Hagen W (2014) Complex trophic interactions of calanoid copepods in the Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Sea Research 85: 186-196.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) represents both extra- and intracellular DNA, shed by a diversity of organisms to their surrounding environment. We focus on metazoan eDNA, shed by animals –floating or swimming through the water or present on the seafloor – in the shape of dead cells, mucus, skin, scales, faeces, excretion products, etc. This eDNA is collected from the water column using CTD rosette samplers or niskin bottles, which is then filtered through membrane filters, from which DNA can be isolated in the home laboratory. It is an efficient method to uncover the biodiversity in an area of rapid change, particularly for those animals that are not easily sampled with nets or trawls, like jellyfish. eDNA results are best to be combined with other methods such as video surveys or net catches, in order to obtain the most comprehensive biodiversity assessment. To improve on eDNA studies, we also carry out experiments on eDNA shedding and decay rates. Finally, species-specific assays can be developed in order to obtain quantitative values for target taxa, such as non-indigenous or range-shifting species.  


Example publications:

  • Murray A, Priest T, Antich A, von Appen WJ, Neuhaus S, Havermans C (2024) Investigating pelagic biodiversity and gelatinous zooplankton communities in the rapidly changing European Arctic: an eDNA metabarcoding survey. Environmental DNA6(3): e569.
  • Havermans C, Dischereit A, Pantiukhin D, Friedrich M, Murray A (2022). Environmental DNA in an ocean of change: Status, challenges and prospects. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar55: 298-337.

We commonly apply DNA metabarcoding studies on stomach contents in order to obtain a high resolution picture of the prey spectrum of particular species. The complementary use of this recent tool with biomarker analyses are particularly valuable, as DNA metabarcoding allows a high-resolution identification of the diet composition of a species, however representing only a temporal snapshot, whereas the former represents a long-term signal of food sources over time, albeit in a lower taxonomic resolution. We also use “natural samplers” of pelagic and benthic diversity, by investigating particular organisms that “sample” eDNA from the water or sediment. This represents a novel development in the field of eDNA, for which the high-throughput sequencing analysis of tissues or gut contents of such taxa (e.g., hydrozoans and sponges filtering liters of water per day; detritus-feeders that process large quantities of sediment), allows a most comprehensive assessment of pelagic and benthic diversity, respectively.

Example publications:

  • Ruiz MB, Moreira E, Novillo M, Neuhaus S, Leese F, Havermans C (2024) Detecting the invisible through DNA metabarcoding: The role of gelatinous taxa in the diet of two demersal Antarctic key stone fish species (Notothenioidei). Environmental DNA 6(3): e561.
  • Dischereit A, Beermann J, Lebreton B, Wangensteen OS, Neuhaus S,Havermans C(2024) DNA metabarcoding reveals a diverse, omnivorous diet of Arctic amphipods during the polar night, with jellyfish and fish as major prey.Frontiers in Marine Science14(11): 1327650.
  • Dischereit A, Wangensteen OS, Praebel K, Auel H, Havermans C (2022) Using DNA metabarcoding to characterize the prey spectrum of two co-occurring Themisto amphipods in the rapidly changing Atlantic-Arctic gateway Fram Strait. Genes 13(11): 2035.
Crustacean and gelatinous organisms in the Polar Night, Kongsfjorden
Crustacean and gelatinous organisms in the Polar Night, Kongsfjorden

We analyze optical datasets obtained with modern imaging techniques including towed pelagic/benthic cameras, cameras on remotely-operated-vehicles (ROVs) and the Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP). These gear provide non-invasive, high-resolution in-situ observations of pelagic organisms and seafloor biota. Such in-situ systems allow organisms to be recorded without damaging them and avoid the typical problems associated with plankton nets, i.e. net avoidance and fragmentation or damaging of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish. In addition, the ability to tow these systems both horizontally and vertically enhances our ability i) to determine geographic and depth-distribution gradients with higher resolution, ii) to obtain reliable abundance data and iii) to detect local aggregation patterns, typical of zooplankton. Since several of these systems have integrated CTD sensors or are attached to CTD rosette water samplers, precise and localized environmental data (e.g., depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen) are obtained for each observation, which allows us to feed these data into species distribution models. Coupled with climate-change scenarios, these allow spatial and temporal projections of current and future distributions of marine organisms, which can be very informative to predict distributional shifts.


Example publications:

  • Pantiukhin D, Verhaegen G, Havermans C (2024) Pan-Arctic distribution modeling reveals climate-change-driven poleward shifts of major gelatinous zooplankton species. Limnology and Oceanography 69(6): 1316-1334.
  • Pantiukhin D, Verhaegen G, Kraan C, Jerosch K, Neitzel P, Hoving HJT,Havermans C(2023). Optical observations and spatio-temporal projections of gelatinous zooplankton in the Fram Strait: a gateway to a changing Arctic Ocean.Frontiers in Marine Science10: 987700.
  • Cornils A, Thomisch K, Hase J, Hildebrandt N, Auel H, Niehoff B (2022) Testing the usefulness of optical data for zooplankton long-term monitoring: taxonomic composition, abundance, biomass and size spectra from Zooscan image analysis. Limnology and Oceanography Methods20: 428-450.