Patricia Kaiser

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Patricia Kaiser

BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology Centre for Research & Education Marine Zoology (FB 2)
University of Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
D-28334 Bremen


phone +49 421 218-63032
patricia.kaiserprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

  • Food web structure in the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) – contribution of ice algae to the nutrition of zooplankton
  • Arctic vs boreal Atlantic zooplankton species: who wins the fight against rising temperatures?
  • The Calanus dilemma: Utilizing protein fingerprinting as an alternative method for the identification of morphologically difficult to distinguish sister species
  • Atlantification of the Arctic Ocean? Analysis of long-term changes in mesozooplankton community structures over the last 20 years

A changing Arctic Ocean? – Impacts of climate change on Arctic pelagic communities and processes


Kaiser P (2015) MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry – a novel method for the identification of pelagic copepods


Kaiser P, Bode M, Cornils A, Hagen W, Arbizu Martínez P, Auel H, Laakmann S (2018) High-resolution community analysis of deep-sea copepods using MALDI-TOF protein fingerprinting. Deep-Sea Res I 138, 122-130.
Bode M, Hagen W, Cornils A, Kaiser P, Auel H (2018) Copepod distribution and biodiversity patterns from the surface to the deep sea along a latitudinal transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (24°N to 21°S). Prog Oceanogr 161, 66-77.
Bode M,Laakmann S, Kaiser P, Hagen W, Auel H, Cornils A (2017) Unraveling diversity of the deep-Sea copepod family Spinocalanidae using integrated morphological and molecular techniques. J Plankt Res 39, 600-617.