Prof. W. Hagen

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Porträt Prof. Dr. Willy Hagen


Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hagen

BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology Centre for Research & Education Marine Zoology (FB 2)
University of Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
D-28334 Bremen


phone +49 421 218-63030
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  • Marine Zoology and Ecology
  • Biological Oceanography
  • Ecophysiology of zooplankton & nekton
  • Life strategies of marine animals, especially in seasonal environments
  • Lipid biochemistry and energetics
  • Food web analyses and trophic biomarkers
  • Biodiversity and dynamics of zooplankton communities
  • Vice Dean of Faculty Biology & Chemistry
  • Director of BreMarE, Head of Marine Zoology
  • Chair of Examination Board MSc Marine Biology
  • Ambassador of the University of Hokkaido, Japan

list of publications


  • Concepts of marine biology and ecology
  • Marine habitats
  • Marine invertebrates
  • Marine vertebrates
  • Ecophysiology of marine animals
  • Field excursions
  • Professor for Marine Zoology, University of Bremen
  • Habilitation (Postdoctoral thesis) at Institute for Polar Ecology, University of Kiel
  • Postdoc at University of South Florida, Saint Petersburg, USA (National Science Foundation)
  • PhD at University of Kiel and Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
  • University studies of biology at the Free University of West-Berlin and Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Institute for Marine Research Kiel (Fisheries Biology, Zoology, Physical Oceanography)