

Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Universität Bremen


Audrey Dussutour, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, Basal Cognition in slime molds


Karen Alim, MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization Göttingen, Mechanism of signal propagation in Physarum polycephalum

Heather Barnett, University of the Arts London, Interspecies Encounters: slime mould as bisocial mediator 

Markus Bär, PTB Berlin, Modelling  Physarum microdroplets as active poroelastic two-phase media: Deformation patterns and waves and comparison to experiments

Felix Bäuerle, MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization Göttingen

Klaudia Brix, Jacobs University Bremen, Proteases as cellular decision-making molecules - imaging proteolytic activities on the spot

Ursula Damm, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, How to make decisions like an artist

Rolf Drechsler, Universität Bremen

Adrian Fessel, Universität Bremen, Topological dynamics of (planar) transportation networks

Mark Fricker, University of Oxford, Quantitation of Physarum networks and foraging behaviour 

Gernot Glöckner, Universität Köln, The Physarum Genome: A reconstruction

Martin Grube, Universität Graz, Microscopic analyses of slime mold plasmodia

Marcus Hauser, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Migratory behaviour of Physarum polycephalum microplasmodia

Tanja Huxoll, Universität Bremen, Binary decision-making of Physarum polycephalum

Jean-Daniel Julien, MPI for Dynamics and Selforganization Göttingen, A model for the organization of contractions by fluid flows in Physarum polycephalum 

Dirk Kulawiak, Technische Universität Berlin, Poroelastic two-phase model for moving droplets of Physarum polycephalum with free boundaries

Julia Lange, Universität Bremen

Jonghyun Lee, Universität Bremen, Alternative growth of Physarum polycephalum

Jakob Löber, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems Dresden, Two-fluid model for crawling cell motility

Wolfgang Marwan, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, The developmental decision in Physarum polycephalum taken during a walk through the Waddington quasipotential landscape

Christina Oettmeier, Universität Bremen, The fluidic circuitry of Physarum polycephalum 

Malte Ohmstede, Universität Bremen

Daniel Schenz, Hokkaido University, Routing while scouting: How a slime mould optimises its transportation network during exploration 

Merthe Schwachenwald, Universität Bremen