Philosophy of Hearing

Unfortunately, hearing is often marginalised. In philosophy and also in society, it is ‘the evident’ that always ‘catches our eye’, whereas we often find it rather exhausting to ‘lend an ear’ or difficult to ‘attune to something’. This project aims to counteract this marginalisation in various inner-philosophical, interdisciplinary, and artistic ways:

  • Drawing on works especially from American pragmatism and phenomenology, a concept of experience is strengthened that identifies hearing as an important approach to the world. The active and dynamic-transient character of hearing is emphasised: instead of a purely receptive absorption of the environment, it is about an active process that also decisively shapes our communal interactions. (This project is thus closely link to central aspects of the ‘Time Perspectives’ project).
  • This ‘attunement’ to hearing is facilitated and directly realised through the integration of audio media in publications and through concert and workshop activities together with musicians. (See the concert series ‘Zeit-Hören’.)
  • In individual projects with architects and designers, attention is drawn to the acoustics of rooms and devices, their relevance to everyday life and, above all, the consequences for the perception of time.
  • Finally, collaborations with hearing researchers (especially on a popular science level) underscore the centrality and subtlety of auditory Gestalten for our perceptual encounter with the world.



: Prof. Dr. Dr. Norman Sieroka
Prof. Dr. Dr.

Norman Sieroka

Institution Philosophie (Phil)

Building/room: SFG 4190
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67830
E-Mail: sierokaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Universität Bremen
Institut für Philosophie, FB 9
Postfach 330 440
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
28359 Bremen