
  • Physics

    Professors of Physics at the Faculty of Physics and Electrical Engineering of the University of Bremen

  • Electrical Engineering

    Professors of Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Physics and Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Physics and Electrical Engineering

Our faculty gathers Physicists and Electrical Engineers. Our scientists are interested in a wide range of research in various areas of Physics and Electrical Engineering. 

Our physicists are interested in the Enviromental Physics, Biological Physics, Neurophysics, Physics of Complex Systems, Solid State Physics and many more. 

The engineers research on mechatronics, electrical drives, microsensors, electrodynamics, microelectronic, telecommunication and high-frequency techniques. 


NameField of ResearchE-Mail Address
Stefan BornholdtComplex Systemsbornholdt(at)
John P. BurrowsPhysics and Chemistry of the Atmosphereburrows(at)
Hans-Günther DöbereinerExperimental Biophysicshgd(at)
Martin EickhoffSolid State Materialseickhoff(at)
Jens FaltaSurface Physicsfalta(at)
Dr. Helmut FischerRadioecology + Radiation Protectionhfischer(at)
Thomas FrauenheimComputational Materials Sciencethomas.frauenheim(at)
Monika FritzExperimental Biophysicsmf(at)
Jürgen GutowskiSemiconductor Opticsgutowski(at)
Frank JahnkeSemiconductor Physicsfrank.jahnke(at)
JustusNotholtRemote Sensingjnotholt(at)
Klaus PawelzikTheoretical Bio- and Neurophysicspawelzik(at)
Vasily PloshikhinComputational Materials Scienceploshikhin(at)
Manfred RadmacherExperimental Biophysicsmr(at)
Monika RheinOceanographymrhein(at)
Ilja RückmannSemiconductor Opticsir(at)
Mihalis VrekousisInverse Modeling of the Earth Systemmvrekous(at)
Tim WehlingElectronic Structure and Correlated Nanosystemswehling(at)

Electrical Engineering

NameField of ResearchE-Mail Address
Armin DekorsyCommunications Engineeringdekorsy(at)
Anna FörsterSustainable Communication Networksanna.foerster(at)
Alberto Garcia-OrtizIntegrated Digital Systemsag(at)
Nando KaminskiElectrical Power Devicesnando.kaminski(at)
Karl-Ludwig KriegerAutomotive ElectronicsKrieger(at)
Walter LangMicroelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)wlang(at)
Kai MichelsDynamic Systems and Control Engineeringmichels(at)
Bernd OrlikElectrical Drive Engineeringial(at)
Steffen PaulCommunication Electronicssteffen.paul(at)
Martin SchneiderRF & Microwave Engineeringmartin.schneider(at)
Michael J. VellekoopSensors, Microfluids, Sensor Technologymvellekoop(at)