Professorship for Technology and Innovation

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Professor and Topics

Prof. Dr. Tobias Röth


Tobias Röth

Implementation of digital technologies

Design of digital innovation management

Digital business model innovations


Universität Bremen Grafik

New position

Since January 2025, Tobias Röth has been a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Product Innovation Management (VHB= A, IF= 9.885) and serves as an Associate Editor at Management Review Quarterly (VHB = A) 

Universität Bremen Grafik

New publication

Together with Patrick Spieth und  Pascal Breitenmoser Tobias Röth has published the article

"Business model innovation: Integrative review, framework, and agenda for future innovation management research"

in the Journal of Product Innovation Management.

[Translate to English:]

Economy, Science, and Politics in Dialogue

At the invitation of the CDU Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V.) in Bremen, Tobias Röth attended the State Commission on Labor Market and Location Policy at the premises of Thermo Fisher Scientific.

A particular highlight of the event was a factory tour of Thermo Fisher Scientific led by…

Universität Bremen Grafik

New publication

Together with Fiona Schweitzer, Julian Birkinshaw and Gloria Barczak, Tobias Röth has published the Special Issue

„Playing the political game of innovation“ im Journal of Product Innovation Management 

(VHB= A, IF= 9.885).

New conference contribution: SMS 44th Annual Conference in Istanbul

The paper

"Navigating Paradoxes: Investigating the Interface of Conventional and Agile New Product Development"

was accepted for the SMS 44th Annual Conference.

New conference contribution: 84rd Annual Meeting of The Academy of Management (AoM)

The paper

„The Interplay between cognitive and emotional Framing in gaining Support for AI-based Innovations - A Meta-Analysis of Adaptability in Innovation Management“

was accepted for the 84th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management.

Job offers

Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in (w/m/d) Fachgebiet für Betriebswirtschaftslehre

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An attentive audience in the crowded auditorium.

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