Statistics in Court


Judges and lawyers have the challenging task to review statistic issues and consider them appropiate when reaching a verdict. This research project examines how lawyers can be supported with the review of statistic issues. Primary statistic-didactic questions are adressed by this research project, like:

  • Which kind of quantitative methodological competences are helpful for lawyers?
  • How can these competences be teached in legal education?
  • Can the quality of jurisdiction improve with such educational offers?

For answering this questions an analysis of basic legal topics is required: How can argumentation based on quantitative issues get subordinated transparent and consistent in legal methodoly? How are random principles and sample results arranged with the postulation of individual cases?

This research project is a joint project of the University of Bremen and the University of Applied Sciences Kiel

A green board labeled with graphs and formulas.

Reseach Project

More Information about the research project "Statistics in Court" can be found here

Books in a shelf.

Publications & Speeches

Publications and speeches belongig to this research project are listed here

Attentive listeners in a seminar room.


For more information about the belongig teaching course to this research project, see here
