Dynamic Ecological Chemistry

  • Benthic diatoms under the microscope (left) and as a biofilm on a membrane for measurements of pH and oxygen with glass microelectrodes (right), superimposed by an essential communication molecule.

    The challenges of climate change

    Organisms on our planet are facing more and more challenges as their environment heats up and changes its chemistry due to climate change. Recent research found that this can have substantial impacts on their chemical communication. With marine organisms in coastal areas experiencing climate change on top of even greater abiotic fluctuations on a daily basis, understanding their potential resilience and mechanisms to cope is essential in order to assess future impacts.

Welcome to the Dynamic Ecological Chemistry Group

The Dynamic Ecological Chemistry group studies the impact of environmental change at different timescales (daily, annually, end-of-century) on those interactions and processes of marine organisms that are mediated through chemical cues and signals. Our aim is to understand which aspects of their communication and interaction are impacted by which abiotic factors (focusing on temperature, pH and oxygen) and which strategies the organisms use to compensate for the effects.


Dr. Christina Roggatz
BIOM 3790
James-Watt-Str. 1
28359 Bremen

+49 (0)421 218 56658

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We thank the Volkswagen Foundation for financial support.

Logo Volkswagen Stiftung