
Seminars offered by Schreibwerkstatt MINT

The seminar programme of the Schreibwerkstatt MINT generally consists of nine blocks. These include key competencies regarding scientific work and writing techniques in natural science and technical disciplines. The offered seminars differ regarding their combination of blocks.

Single blocks can also be integrated in courses and seminars. If you are part of the teaching staff and are interested, please contact us (you can also find further information here). 

All seminars and courses can be found in our calendar or on Stud.IP, where you would have to sign up if you want to participate. If you want to stay up to date, you can follow us on facebook

Contact Schreibwerkstatt MINT

Jan Naumann

Institut Technik und Bildung (ITB), Am Fallturm 1

Office: Room 2.04

Tel.: +49 421 218-66274

For further, current information and events please visit our facebook group