Alex Carter

Alexander Carter

Short Bio

Since autumn 2023, I have been an external PhD candidate affiliated with the Social and Economic Psychology Group, examining social and moral development in childhood and adolescence. I am supervised by Dr Luke McGuire, Prof Adam Rutland (both University of Exeter, UK), and Prof Nadira Faber. Prior to this I studied BSc Psychology and MSc Social and Organisational Psychology at the University of Exeter.


Alex Carter

Office hours: by arrangement

ac1037 (at)

Work Focus

In my PhD, I am investigating how speciesism (the assignment of different moral value based on species membership) manifests in different cultural contexts, and the role of social norms on how children think about and assign moral status to living entities.

Key Publications

  • McGuire, L., Bagus, T., Carter, A., Fry, E. & Faber, N. S. (under review). Reasoning to justify eating animals varies with age. Child Development.

  • Carter, A., Fry, E. & Faber, N. S., & McGuire, L. (2023). The role of speciesism and social norms in children’s, adolescents’ and adults’ moral evaluation of meat-eating. Talk at the Animal Advocacy Conference, Canterbury (UK)