Alex Carter
Short Bio
Since autumn 2023, I have been an external PhD candidate affiliated with the Social and Economic Psychology Group, examining social and moral development in childhood and adolescence. I am supervised by Dr Luke McGuire, Prof Adam Rutland (both University of Exeter, UK), and Prof Nadira Faber. Prior to this I studied BSc Psychology and MSc Social and Organisational Psychology at the University of Exeter.
Alex Carter
Office hours: by arrangement
Key Publications
McGuire, L., Bagus, T., Carter, A., Fry, E. & Faber, N. S. (under review). Reasoning to justify eating animals varies with age. Child Development.
Carter, A., Fry, E. & Faber, N. S., & McGuire, L. (2023). The role of speciesism and social norms in children’s, adolescents’ and adults’ moral evaluation of meat-eating. Talk at the Animal Advocacy Conference, Canterbury (UK)