
Framework Conditions for Sustainability Governance

The sustainability guidelines of the university were adopted in 2010 as a further development of the pre-existing environmental guidelines and have since been systematically pursued and consistently implemented by the university through various programs, offers, and measures. Since November 2023, sustainability has also been anchored in the university's central mission statement by resolution of the Academic Senate.

EMAS at the University of Bremen

Existing measures to realize identified environmental goals in university operations and to optimize processes in university environmental protection are constantly being further developed within the framework of the EMAS audit. Current goals and actions can be found in the latest environmental statement of the university.

AGUM e. V. - For a Safe and Healthy University

The processes initiated in occupational health and safety at the university are documented, managed, and reviewed by the AGUM management system. This has initiated and promoted a high degree of process efficiency and transparency. A systematic exchange concerning standards, processes, and effective measures in occupational health and safety also takes place between universities in the so-called AGUM network.


Sustainability Communication at the University of Bremen

The university consolidates its sustainability communication through the regular publication of information material on the topic. In addition to detailed information available online, the university publishes an annually updated version of its environmental statement and a new sustainability report approximately every five years. The EMAS Working Group at the university regularly discusses the further development of sustainability communication and on this basis provides target group-specific communication.


Quality Management in Teaching and the University’s System Accreditation

The new quality management (QM) ensures quality in teaching and has developed new instruments such as academic monitoring that tracks student success and evaluations across entire degree programs. In addition to the perspective talks between the University Executive Board and the individual faculties, QM talks were introduced to close the loop between the faculties and the University Executive Board and to further develop quality management not only on faculty level but throughout the university.



The University of Bremen’s Partnerships in Business and the Community

The university has developed a comprehensive transfer strategy, which was approved by the Academic Senate in summer 2019. On the one hand, it aims to consolidate traditional ways of technology transfer in such a way that the university can effectively carry out its core tasks in research and teaching on the basis of adequate third-party income that fully covers all costs. On the other hand, the university maintains partnerships and fosters exchanges with persons and institutions from the areas of culture, the city community, education, and politics. The partnerships that have been established serve to tie the university and its research back into the needs of all groups in the community in the long term and are to be deepened and expanded. An open and comprehensively reconnected university also pays off in terms of broad public acceptance for science.


Excellence Initiative

Based on corresponding evaluations, we have been able to consolidate the key effects of the Excellence Initiative and our successful institutional strategy. These include: strategic cooperation across the high-profile areas, regional cooperation with non-university institutes within the U Bremen Research Alliance, internal formats supporting innovative interdisciplinary approaches (especially in the humanities), the preferential appointment of women for professorships, and support for early-career researchers. MARUM is to be given a long-term federal funding perspective via its cluster of excellence’s full proposal “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface.”

Furthermore, the ProUB – PhD Center, funded with Excellence Initiative grants, was expanded and consolidated into the Bremen Early Researcher Development (BYRD) Center in 2017. BYRD now provides services not only for PhD students, but also for post-doctoral researchers.


Ensuring Sustainable Quality Improvement of Teaching and Learning

Many teaching staff members at the University of Bremen have  been using digital support in their teaching for years. This includes the occasional use of digital tools, well-designed blended learning scenarios, and fully digital courses in the eGeneral Studies modules. The SKILL-UB project student-centered | collaborative | innovative teaching and learning comprises three activities for the targeted further development of innovative, digital methods and tools in teaching: Innovation Team, Innovation Labs, and Innovation IT Services. In order to implement the ambitious goals sucessfully, SKILL works very closely with other university institutions, in particular the Center for Multimedia in Higher Education (ZMML), the Studierwerkstatt, the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB), and the Administrative Unit for Teaching and Studies.
