
CHI 2021 Workshop “Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality”

The DMLab joined forces with Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University, the Open Lab at the University of Newcastle, and the German Research Center for ArtificialIntelligence (DFKI) and prepared the CHI ’21 Workshop
“Evaluating User Experiences in Mixed Reality”. The workshop addresses researchers and practitioners from all subfields of HCI to drive the research agenda of the research practices, technologies, and challenges of MR user studies. Find out more on We congratulate Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Susanne Putze, Valentin Schwind, Elisa D. Mekler, Jan David Smeddinck, Denise Kahl, Antonio Krüger und Rainer Malaka and wish them a successful and fruitful workshop.

Updated by: TZI