
Project hyBit: Interaction design for a hydrogen hub

This week was the official kick-off event for the new research project hyBit - Hydrogen for Bremen's Industrial Transformation. With nearly 100 people from science, business and politics participating, it was three days of engaging exchanges and an impressive visit to Bremen's steel mill.

The large-scale hydrogen research project funded by the BMBF is concerned with setting up a hydrogen center in Bremen's industrial port, known as a hydrogen hub. The Bremen steel mill, which is currently still responsible for 58 percent of local CO2 emissions, plays a special role in this. The switch to clean hydrogen is thus an essential contribution to achieving Bremen's climate targets.

Our research assistant Michael Bonfert contributes to the project through the interaction design of the digital transformation platform. Innovative technologies such as virtual reality and haptic interfaces will be used to visualize complex data and strengthen strategic collaboration, raising interesting research questions for human-computer interaction.

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Updated by: TZI