
Student Thesis Club

The DMLab is happy to announce a biweekly Student Theses Club where students writing their final thesis (both Bachelor and Master Theses) are invited to meet and discuss current stages of their thesis progression, receiving immediate help from 1-2 PhDs, as well as helping others!

With in-person meetings possible again, the first Student Theses Club will take place this Thursday, March 24th, 4-5pm, at the Master Studio in MZH, 6th Floor.

With in-person meetings possible again, the first Student Theses Club will take place this Thursday, March 24th, 4-5pm, at the Master Studio in MZH, 6th Floor. The idea of this club is to give you a regular chance, outside of regular supervision, to discuss your current problems and get feedback from peers that may struggle with similar issues as you, perhaps having overcome them and are now able to share experience.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact  Thomas Mildner.

We are really excited and looking forward to discussing your amazing topics soon! See you there!

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Updated by: TZI