
Summer School on HCI for Well-being

From the 28th to the 30th of June “Spaces and Interfaces: A Summer School on HCI for Well-being” will take place: Rapid developments in computational sensing, processing, and learning are the source of excitement as well as trepidation. A challenge for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is to leverage these new technologies to enhance well-being, while navigating the complexities and sensitives of health and wellness.

The HCI Summer School is organised by the Digital Media Lab and HCI Group from the University of Bremen, together with UCL London, as part of the Excellence Chair of Prof. Yvonne Rogers (UCL). It will create a physical space for budding interaction PhD students in HCI to address this challenge over three days. Through learning, sharing, and socialising, the school hopes to foster new collaborations and perspectives within the era of digital well-being.

We expect over 40 attendees from more than 15 Universities and Institutions around the world, including Germany, US, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Israel. Keynote lectures will be given by Oren Zuckerman (Reichman University, Israel), Katherine Isbister (University of California, Santa Cruz) and Amid Ayobi (University College London, United Kingdom). The rich programme additionally includes interactive sessions, hands-on workshops, decompression activities as well as mentoring.

A lot to look forward to!

Summer School Logo
Summer School Logo
Updated by: TZI