Climate protection at Home

Refusing consumption is fun!

Where to put all the devices that you use so rarely? Isn't the closet already overflowing?

"Actually, we already have everything" - says the mind. If only it weren't for the unbelievable bargain offers in the commercials!

Admittedly, shopping can be fun. But it's worth thinking more often before you buy: "Do I really need this?"

Can't that great coffee maker be repaired after all? Does the old TV have to go in the trash just because of a few missing new features?

In many cities, there have been repair cafes come out, where people can repair household items themselves - under expert guidance. It's fun and environmentally friendly. You will be amazed at what can be brought back to life together.

Well preserved household appliances, dishes and furniture are also accepted by social department stores and furniture stores.
The donations are then given to people with low incomes at reasonable prices.

If it should be nevertheless a new equipment: Environmentally conscious behavior also means choosing long-lasting and sustainably produced products.

The big throwaway

According to the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), 18.7 million tons of packaging waste were generated in Germany in 2017. A gigantic mountain that is hard to imagine. Each German citizen is thus responsible for an average of 226 kg of packaging waste!

One reason for this is the rapid increase in online retailing. But even without the parcels, which are sent across Germany at high energy cost, we use enormous amounts of packaging every day. Valuable raw materials that often end up unsorted in the trash after being unpacked.

We can all do a lot to combat the increasing production of waste. Some suggestions:

- Buy beverages in reusable bottles.
- Drink coffee to go from your own reusable cup.
- Avoid plastic bags and plastic wrap when shopping. Many stores will accept your own containers.
- Rechargeable batteries save raw materials and are more environmentally friendly than disposable batteries.
- Fruits and vegetables can be purchased at local markets without nonsensical outer packaging.

When shopping, also pay attention to the recyclability of the raw materials used. Composite materials made of different plastics and metals can only be recycled at great expense or not at all. Then in the last consequence only the "thermal disposal" of precious raw materials remains.

Six simple measures to stop insect die-off

Keeping our environment livable is really important to us! Every time we go for a walk in the forest, we see massive damage to trees, hear about environmental toxins in the news, and don't know what we can specifically do about it. Yet these are only the most conspicuous damages to the ecosystem.

The sensitive interplay and natural interdependence of animals and plants can be seen impressively in the global decline in insects. For example, bee mortality shows that even highly mechanized industrial agriculture depends on insects for the cross-pollination of fruit trees and field plants.

Insects play an important role in the ecosystem:

  •  they are the prey for countless animal species,
  •  they contribute significantly to the fertilization and dispersal of plants,
  •  they dispose of many wastes of plant and animal origin.

Everyone has the chance in everyday life to contribute to the survival of insects and the preservation of biodiversity.
Six simple tips show how easy it can be.

It's all organic, of course! Really?

Organic mineral water! Organic potting soil and organic charcoal! The list of self-declared "organic" articles could be continued for a long time.

Organic sells just great! Marketing experts have known this for a long time. However, the term "organic" is not protected. This makes it more difficult for consumers to distinguish organically produced products from catchy advertising slogans.

A number of certified labels that ensure quality standards in food production can help with environmentally conscious purchasing.

The EU-Bio-Siegel  (EU organic seal "star flower") can now be found on numerous products. With its very generous interpretation of the term organic and a required minimum percentage of only 95% organically produced ingredients, it is by far the weakest organic label.

Demeter and Bioland are based entirely on the concept of organic/dynamic agriculture without artificial fertilizers and pesticides. They define much stricter standards in production than the EU organic label.

Whatever you choose: Buying consistently organically produced products sends an important signal to food producers. Organic farming is significantly more environment and climate friendly than conventional production.

Updated by: N.N.