Central Examination Office for Social Sciences and Humanities (ZPA)

The ZPA ...

... is responsible for matters surrounding examinations in Faculties 6 to 12 as well as for all trainee teachers, irrespective of the Faculty affiliation.

... offers you our service point for general questions or the submission of documents.


Administrative Offices

Depending on the field of study, different offices are responsible for exam administration at the ZPA.

Decentralized examination offices

For examination matters relating to departments 1 to 5, please contact the decentralized examination offices in the respective departments.

Contact »

Person dials the telephone.

Infos A to Z »

A pinboard full of flyers.

PABO-Login »

A laptop and a notebook next to a potted plant on a desk.

Data Sheet Check »

Computer keyboard.

News and Informations

DayConsultation Hours
Administrative Office
Opening Hours
Service Point
Monday10:00 am - 12:00 am 
Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday10:00 am - 12: 00 am 
Friday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


The PABO login for students works from 01. December 2020 the same way as the MOIN, StudIP and ZfN login.

The PIN/TAN procedure to confirm the desired exam registration or deregistration has been abolished.

You can find further informations here.

For security reasons, the ZfN and the university administration will block the sending and receiving of email attachments that contain executable program code from February 17, 2020!

Only these file types may be used from now on for security reasons:

  • *.docx,
  • *.dotx;
  • *.xlsx,
  • *.xltx;
  • *.potx,
  • *.ppsx,
  • *.pptx

The following filename extensions will not be delivered (will be blocked):

*.doc, *.docm, *.dot, *.dotm; .*xla, *.xlam, *.xls, *.xlsb, *.xlsm, *.xlt, *.xltm, *.xlw; *.pot, *.potm, *.ppa, *.ppam, *.pps, *.ppsm, *.ppt, *.pptm, *.exe, *.com, *.bat, *.ps1, *.cmd, *.hta, *.pif, *.scr, *.scf, *.psc1, *.vbs, *.inf, *.acm,
*.ax, *.cpl, *.dll, *.drv, *.efi, *.mui, ,*.mht, *.mhtml, *.ocx, *.sys, *.tsp, *.sct, *.vb, *.vbe, *.ws, *.wsf, *.paf, *.msi, *.jse, *.msp, *.mst, *.msc'


Winter semester

Summer semester


10.12. - 10.01.

10.06. - 30.06


10.12. - 31.01.

10.06. - 30.06


Possible changes to the registration and deregistration deadlines can be found in the respective examination schedules, which are published here.

Further informations can be found on the respective study course pages, as well as Infos A to Z and Information Surrounding Examinations

The Certificate of Grades issued by the University of Bremen is generated electronically: It is valid without seal and signature.

The authenticity of the data sheet can be checked on the website under www.uni-bremen.de/pabo/datenblattcheck using your ID and the password.

From now on, it is possible via RSS feeds to subscribe to the latest news posts on the ZPA homepage as well as the individual degree programs.

Click on “RSS” at the bottom of the page(s) and follow the instructions

Everything online

The portal “Prüfungsamt Bremen Online (PABO)” allows students to carry out standard procedures such as registration and deregistration and print out current CP information at any time.

Further information on studying

Compensation for disadvantage

Handicapped and chronically ill students have the right to take exams under comparable conditions as other students. Sometimes this requires individual rules measures, for which you apply to the examination board.

Recognition and transfer of credits

The Recognition Officers in the subjects or Faculties are responsible for the recognition and transfer credits. The general parts of the Examination Regulations provide information on what can be recognized – from other higher education institutions as well as from outside.

Credit Points (CP) ...

... are awarded for every passed exam; they provide quantitative indication of how your studies are progressing. Up to amaster's examination, you must acquire 300 CP, as a rule 180 of which are awarded for the bachelor's degree. Thanks to the “European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System”, CPs can be recognized all over Europe.

Definitively failed

Students who fail to pass an exam after the retake period has expired will be removed from the student register. The Central Student Advisory Service is able to provide advice and information on your options after having definitively failed an examination.