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Digital X and Digital Practice - Abayomi  Baiyere (Assistant Professor, PhD) von der Kopenhagen Business School beim Diginomics Brownbag Seminar

Datum und Zeit: 01. Juli 2020, von 12:15 bis 13:45 Uhr, via Zoom

Vortragender: Abayomi  Baiyere (Assistant Professor, PhD), Kopenhagen Business School 

Titel: Digital X and Digital Practice


Im kommenden digitalen Brownbag Seminar freut sich die Diginomics Gruppe Abayomi  Baiyere (Assistant Professor, PhD) von der Kopenhagen Business School  begrüßen zu dürfen. Via Zoom wird er einen Vortrag zu dem Thema "Digital X and Digital Practice" halten. Abayomi Baiyere ist Assistenzprofessor an der Copenhagen Business School im Bereich Digitalisierung, Research Affiliate des MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research und Gastwissenschaftler an der Universität Turku. Sein Forschungsinteressen liegen an der Schnittstelle zwischen digitalen Innovationen, digitaler Disruption und den gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung


The rise in the use of digital across several disciplines signals the emergence of a notable shift from prior non-digital logics. This is reflected by the relabeling of existing concepts as "digital x” - where x could be strategy, innovation, transformation etc.). There is an inkling in scholarship that there is something fundamentally different when digital is evoked. Yet, there is a conceptual lacuna on the distinctiveness of adding “digital" to established “x” concepts. This is particularly problematic as digital x and IT x are increasingly treated as synonyms with ontological indifference. The consequence is that theoretical insights will be proposed for digital with incompatible organizing logics as though it is IT. This challenges the cumulative potential of scholarly knowledge on digital X.

 In this talk, he questions the loose appropriation of digital x and highlight its potential value as an addition to our scholarly lexicon. In this regard, the talk zooms into two empirical studies, one that highlights some distinction between Digital and IT. Based on this, the notion of digital practices is proposed as a useful lens for articulating the unit of activity in digital transformation.


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