Prof. Dr. Sarianna Lundan

Professorin für International Business


Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
WiWi1, Raum A3190
Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-66550
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  • Theorie multinationaler Unternehmen (MNE), insbesondere ko-evolutionäre und institutionelle Perspektiven auf das MNE
  • Internationalisierungsprozess von Firmen und die Konsequenzen für Heimat- und Gastländer
  • Beitrag von MNEs zu Wachstum und Entwicklung
  • Teilhabe von MNEs in globaler Governance


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Prof. Lundan ist in Finnland aufgewachsen und hat die finnische Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie studierte Finance und International Business an der Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA, und promovierte 1996.

Ihre erste akademische Position erhielt sie an der University of Reading, UK, wo sie an der Arbeit der renommierten Forschungsgruppe für International Business mitgewirkt hat. Sie verließ Reading, um an der Universität Maastricht in den Niederlanden an der School of Business and Economics zu arbeiten, wo sie elf Jahre verbrachte, bevor sie im April 2010 an die Universität Bremen kam.

Zusätzlich zu ihren akademischen Ernennungen war Professor Lundan als Senior Economic Affairs Officer und Stipendiat in der Abteilung für Investitionen und Unternehmen der Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen für Handel und Entwicklung (UNCTAD) in Genf tätig. Sie war außerdem wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Forschungsinstitut der Finnischen Wirtschaft (ETLA) in Helsinki.

Ihre Arbeit erschien in Zeitschriften wie dem Journal of International Business Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, World Economy und Transnational Corporations sowie in zahlreichen Beiträgen zu Sammelbänden. Sie ist Herausgeberin bzw. Mitherausgeberin von vier Büchern und zusammen mit dem verstorbenen John H. Dunning, Mitautor der zweiten Ausgabe von Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, einem wegweisenden Buch im Bereich International Business.

Im Jahr 2009 wurde sie zum Fellow der European International Business Academy (EIBA) gewählt, in Anerkennung der "herausragenden Leistungen in Forschung und Lehre auf dem Gebiet International Business".

Im Jahr 2013 war sie Präsidentin der EIBA Konferenz, welche vom Lehrstuhl organisiert und hier in Bremen ausgerichtet wurde. Im Jahr 2015 wurde Professor Lundan in das Executive Board der Academy of International Business (AIB) als Vice President (Program) gewählt. Als Program Chair war sie in die Organisation der AIB 2017 in Dubai eingebunden.

Außerdem ist Professor Lundan Herausgeberin des Journal of International Business Policy (JIBP). JIBP ist eine offizielle Publikation der Academy of International Business, die auch das höchstplatzierte Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) herausgibt. Beide Fachzeitschriften werden von Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) herausgegeben und teilen sich ein Redaktionsbüro. Die Erstausgabe des JIBP erschien 2018.

Darüber hinaus ist sie Mitglied von sieben Redaktionsgremien, darunter das Journal of International Business Studies, das Global Strategy Journal, das International Business Review und das Multinational Business Review. Sie ist auch Mitglied im Gutachterpool der European Science Foundation.

Beginnend ab September 2017 ist Professor Lundan Distinguished Visiting Professor an der Aalto University School of Business in Helsinki, Finland.

Im Jahr 2018 wurde sie zum lebenslangen Fellow der AIB gewählt, in Anerkennung der "herausragenden Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung des Bereichs International Business".



Kehl, Anna & Lundan, Sarianna (2024). Systemic challenges and new policy directions in the energy transition. In Handbook of International Business Policy (pp. 474-490). Edward Elgar Publishing.



Leymann, Gunnar; Lundan, Sarianna (2023). From structural to transition effects: Institutional dynamism as a deterrent to long-term investments by MNEs. International Business Review, 32(3). 



Utesch-Xiong, Fredrik; Leymann, Gunnar; Lundan, Sarianna (2022). More policy is not always effective policy: How policy coherence affects firm internationalization. International Business Review. 

Nachum, Lilac; Stevens, Charles; Newenham-Kahindi, Aloysius; Lundan, Sarianna; Rose, Elizabeth; Wantchekon, Leonard (2022)Africa rising: Opportunities for advancing theory on people, institutions, and the nation state in international business. Journal of International Business Studies. 

Cordes, Christian; Müller, Stephan; Schwesinger, Georg; Lundan, Sarianna (2022). Governance structures, cultural distance, and socialization dynamics: Further challenges for the modern corporation. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32(3): 371–397. 

Leymann, Gunnar; Lundan, Sarianna; Van Assche, Ari (2022). ‘Global Challenges for Agile Government: Global Connectivity Policy from the Perspective of the International Business Literature’. In: Agile Government - Emerging Perspectives in Public Management. World Scientific.



Lundan, Sarianna; Leymann, Gunnar (2021). Investing in sustainable infrastructure: new directions for international business research. Transnational Corporations Journal, 28(3). DOI: 10.18356/2076099x-28-3-7. 

Lundan, Sarianna; Van Assche, Ari (2021). From the editors: Reflections on the nexus of complementarity between international business research and the policy practitioner community. Journal of International Business Policy, 4: 1-5. DOI: 10.1057/s42214-021-00111-y. 

Patala, Samuli; Juntunen, Jouni K.; Lundan, Sarianna; Ritvala, Tiina (2021). Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition: A configurational study of the drivers of FDI in renewables. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(1): 930-950. DOI: 10.1057/s41267-020-00387-x. 



Lundan, S.; Cantwell, J. (2020). The local co-evolution of firms and governments in the Information Age. Journal of International Business Studies, 51: 1516-1528.

Van Assche, A.; Lundan, S. (2020). From the editor: COVID-19 and international business policy. Journal of International Business Policy, 3: 273-279.



Lundan, S. M.; Li, J. (2019). Adjusting to and learning from institutional diversity: Toward a capability-building perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 50: 36-47.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2018). From the editor: Engaging international business scholars with public policy issues. Journal of International Business Policy, 1: 1-11,

Gentile-Lüdecke, S.; Halaszovich, T.; Lundan, S. M. (2018). What role does CEO vision play in the internationalization process of firms? Evidence from the banking sector in Africa. Thunderbird International Business Review, 63(1): 13-27. DOI: 10.1002/tie.21958.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2017). ‘The internationalization of corporate R&D: A review of the evidence to date’. In: John Ettlie and Ron Hira (eds.) Engineering Globalization Reshoring and Nearshoring: Management and Policy Issues, 145-171. World Scientific: Singapore.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2017): ‘Governance of multinational enterprises’. In: Kenneth A. Reinert (ed.) Handbook of Globalisation and Development, 169-182. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Halaszovich, Tilo F.; Lundan, Sarianna M. (2016). The moderating role of local embeddedness on the performance of foreign and domestic firms in emerging markets. International Business Review, 25(5): 1136-1148.

Schwesinger, G.; Müller, S.; Lundan, S. M. (2016). Governance Structures, Cultural Distance, and Socialization Dynamics: Further Challenges for the Modern Corporation. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2016: Demographischer Wandel - Session: Organizational Design, No. A23-V2.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2016). ‘Definitions, motivations and locational determinants of FDI’. In: Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann, Lisa Sachs, Lise Johnson, and Perrine Toledano (eds.) Rethinking Investment Incentives: Trends and Policy, 45-60. New York: Columbia University Press.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2015). Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance (ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gentile-Lüdecke, S.; Lundan, S. M. (2015). The use of non-equity modalities and host-country impact: Some evidence from the international hotel industry and areas of further research. Transnational Corporations, 21(3): 1-3.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2015). ‘Distance-Related Barriers and the Internationalisation of Finnish MNEs’. In: Sarianna M. Lundan (ed.) Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance, 115-144. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2015). ‘The Costs of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy’. In: Sarianna M. Lundan (ed.) Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance, 1-21. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rybka, J.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Lundan, S. M. (2015). ‘Strategic Alliances for the Development of Innovative SMEs within the Biopharmaceutical Industry: An Exploratory Analysis’. In: T. K. Das (ed.) Strategic Alliances for SME Development, 245-260. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2015). Dunning, John H. (1927-2009). The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management: 3 pp. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2015). Eclectic paradigm. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management: 2 pp. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2014). ‘New Analysis of Multinational Enterprises, Markets and Institutional Diversity’ (with Alain Verbeke and Rob van Tulder, eds.). Progress in International Business Research, Volume 9. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.

Halaszovich, Tilo F.; Lundan, Sarianna M. (2014). The Moderating Role of FDI Motives and Embeddedness on the Performance of Foreign and Domestic Firms in Emerging Markets. ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies, 36. Available at SSRN:

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2014). From Access to Acceptance: The Costs of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy. ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies, 34. Available at SSRN: or

Verbeke, A., van Tulder, R.; Lundan, S. M. (2014). ‘International Business Theory and Institutional Diversity’. In: Alain Verbeke, Rob van Tulder and Sarianna M. Lundan (eds.) Multinational enterprises, markets and institutional diversity, 1-23. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2013). ‘Regulating global corporate capitalism’. In: John Mikler (ed.) The Handbook of Global Companies, 241-56. Handbooks of Global Policy, series editor David Held. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2013). ‘Human rights issues in multinational value chains’. In: John Linarelli (ed.) Research Handbook on Global Justice and International Economic Law, 146-67. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Gentile-Lüdeke, Simona (2013). ‘International business’. In: Denise Tsang, Hamid Kazeroony, & Guy Ellis (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to International Management Education, 70-85. London: Routledge.



Lundan, S., Mirza, H.; Zhan, J. (2012). Paper series: Commemorative papers on the work of John H. Dunning. Transnational Corporations, 20 (3),

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Muchlinski, Peter (2012). ‘Human rights due diligence in global value chains’. In: Rob van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, & Liviu Voinea (Eds.) Progress in International Business Research, Volume 7: New policy challenges for Global MNEs, 181-201. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2012). ‘The new eclectic paradigm and international business strategy’. In: Alain Verbeke & Hemant Merchant (Eds.) Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management, 64-76. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2012). Institutions and the OLI paradigm of the multinational enterprise. In: Michael A. Witt (Ed.) Asian Business and Management. London: SAGE. (reprint)



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2011). An institutional perspective on the social responsibility of TNCs. Transnational Corporations, 20(3): 61-77.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2011). The co-evolution of transnational corporations and institutions. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 19(2): 29-52.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2011). Los derechos humanos en las cadenas de valor de empresas multinacionales. Revista de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa (Review of Corporate Social Responsibility), Luis Vives Foundation(Madrid) No 9 (Sept-Dec).

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2011). Foreword in Peer Zumbansen & Gralf-Peter Calliess (eds.) Law, Economics and Evolutionary Theory, ix. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Lundan, S. M.; Hafiz, M. (2010). TNC evolution and the emerging investment-development paradigm. Transnational Corporations, 19(2): 29-52.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2010). What are ownership advantages? Multinational Business Review, 18(2): 51-69.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2010). The institutional origins and evolution of dynamic capabilities in multinational enterprises. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(4): 1225-46.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Cantwell, John; Dunning, John (2010). An evolutionary approach to understanding international business activity: The co-evolution of MNEs and the institutional environment. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(4): 567-86.

Roijakkers, N.; Lundan, S. M.; Arundel, A.; Kanerva, M. (2010). How stable is the dominant position of large companies? Technological and societal discontinuities in the pharmaceutical industry. Hasselt University. Available at:

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2010). ‘The changing political economy of foreign investment: Finding a balance between hard and soft forms of regulation’. In: Alvarez, José E. & Karl P. Sauvant (eds..) The Evolving International Investment Regime: Expectations, Realities, Options. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2010). International Business and Global Climate Change (Pinkse & Kolk). Book review, Journal of International Business Studies, 42: 974-977.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2010). Foreword in John Dunning (ed.) New Challenges for International Business Research: Back to the Future, vii-viii. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2010). Institutions and the OLI paradigm of the multinational enterprise. In: John Dunning (ed.) New Challenges for International Business Research: Back to the Future. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (reprint)



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2009). The internationalization of corporate R&D: A review of the evidence and some policy implications. Review of Policy Research, 26(1-2): 1-21.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2009). ‘The MNE as a creator, fashioner and respondent to institutional change’. In: Simon Collinson & Glenn Morgan (eds..) Images of the Multinational Firm, 93-115. Oxford: Wiley.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2009). Distance-related barriers and the internationalisation of Finnish MNEs. Helsinki: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) Discussion Papers No 1193.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2009). T&K toiminnan globaali sijoittuminen - katsaus aiempaan kirjallisuuteen. In: Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö (Ed.) Yritysten tutkimustoiminta kansainvälistyy - Mitä jää Suomeen? Helsinki: ETLA (B235).



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2008). Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy, second edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2008). Institutions and the OLI paradigm of the multinational enterprise. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25(4), 573-593.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Tolvanen, Juha (2008). Regional and Global Patterns of Internationalisation of Finnish MNEs. Helsinki: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) Discussion Papers No 1170.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Kotiranta, Annu; Ylä-Anttila, Pekka (2008). Yritysten kansainvälistymisen vaikutukset kotimaan talouteen ja työllisyyteen - katsaus kirjallisuuteen. Helsinki: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) Discussion Papers No 1154.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2007). The home country effects of internationalisation. Helsinki: The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) Discussion Papers No 1100.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2006). Reinvested earnings as a component of FDI: An analytical review of the determinants of reinvestment. Transnational Corporations, 15(3), 33-64.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Brewer, Thomas (2006). ‘Environmental policy and institutional transparency in Europe’. In: Lars Oxelheim (ed.) Corporate and Institutional Transparency for Economic Growth in Europe, 93-116. Oxford: Elsevier.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2004). Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition (ed.). Oxford: JAI (Elsevier), Research in Global Strategic Management, 9, series editor Alan Rugman.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2004). ‘Multinationals, NGOs and regulation: Greenpeace and the global phase-out of chlorine bleaching’. In: Sarianna M. Lundan (ed.) Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition, 147-170. Oxford: JAI (Elsevier).

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2004). ‘Multinationals, environment and global competition: A conceptual framework’. In: Sarianna M. Lundan (ed.) Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition, 1-22. Oxford: JAI (Elsevier).

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2004). The Future of the Multinational Company (Birkinshaw, Ghoshal, Markides, Stopford & Yip, eds..). Book review, Transnational Corporations, 13(1): 183-187.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2003). ‘The role of environmental issues in the competition for inward investment within Europe’. In: Pervez Ghauri and Lars Oxelheim (eds.) European Union and the Race for Foreign Direct Investment in Europe, 107-127. Oxford: Elsevier.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2003). ‘Technology, productivity and structural change’. In: Pier Carlo Padoan, Paul A. Brenton & Gavin Boyd (eds.) Structural Foundations of International Finance: Problems of Growth and Stability, 127-142. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2003). ‘Alliance capitalism in Europe’. In: John H. Dunning and Gavin Boyd (eds.) Alliance Capitalism and Corporate Management: Entrepreneurial Collaboration in Knowledge Based Economies, 171-191. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2003): ‘Institutions, exclusivity and foreign investment’. In: H. Peter Gray (ed..) Extending the Eclectic Paradigm in International Business, 93-106. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2003). Business Strategy and National Culture: US and Asia Pacific Microcomputer Multinationals in Europe (Tsang). Book review, Business History, 45(4): 126-127.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2002). Network Knowledge in International Business (ed.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, New Horizons in International Business, series editor Peter Buckley.



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (2001). The geographical sources of competitiveness and multinational financial performance, Global Economy Quarterly 2(3): 165-188. (now Global Economy Journal)

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Hagedoorn, John (2001). Alliances, acquisitions and multinational advantage. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 8(2): 229-242.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Jones, Geoffrey (2001). The ‘Commonwealth effect’ and the process of internationalization. World Economy, 24(1): 99-118.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Hagedoorn, John (2001). ‘Strategic technology alliances: Trends and patterns since the early eighties’. In: Anne Plunket, Colette Voisin & Bertrand Bellon (eds.) The Dynamics of Industrial Collaboration, 88-101. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2001). ‘Multinational strategy and the evolution of environmental standards in the global economy’. In: Rajneesh Narula (ed.) Trade and Investment in a Globalising World, 185-198. Oxford: Pergamon.

Lundan, Sarianna M. (2001). ‘Environmental standards and multinational competitiveness: A public policy proposal’. In: Khosrow Fatemi (ed.) International Public Policy and Regionalism at the Turn of the Century, 30-44. Oxford: Pergamon.



Lundan, Sarianna M. (2000). ‘Methodological issues in international business’. In: Mark Casson (ed.) Economics of International Business: A New Research Agenda, 278-308. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Casson, Mark (1999). Explaining international differences in economic institutions: A critique of the ‘national business system’ as an analytical tool. International Studies of Management & Organization, 29(2): 25-42.



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (1998). The geographical sources of competitiveness of multinational enterprises: An econometric analysis. International Business Review, 7(2): 115-133.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Bannerman, Edward; Dunning, John (1998). Competitiveness and Industrial Policy in Northern Ireland. Research Monograph Series, 5. Belfast: Northern Ireland Economic Council.



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (1997). Foreign direct investment in Japan and the United States: A comparative analysis. International Trade Journal,11(2): 187-220.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Dunning, John (1997). ‘Recent foreign direct investment in Japan and the United States. In: John Dunning (ed.) Alliance Capitalism and Global Business, 305-326. New York: Routledge. (reprint)



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Gray, H. Peter (1994). Nationhood, the GATT ideal and a workable international trading system, Banca Nazionale del LavoroQuarterly Review, 188: 99-114.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Gray, H. Peter (1994). Nazionalità, modello ideale del GATT e un possibile sistema di commercio internazionale, Moneta e Credito, 186: 185-202. (reprint)



Lundan, Sarianna M.; Gray, H. Peter (1993). Japanese multinationals and the stability of the GATT system. International Trade Journal, 7(6): 635-653.

Lundan, Sarianna M.; Gray, H. Peter (1993). ‘The importance of intra-firm trade’. In: Mordechai Kreinin (Ed.), The Political Economy of International Commercial Policy: Issues for the 1990's, 181-189. London: Taylor and Francis.