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SHK-Stelle im Projekt "The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education"

Im Projekt zum Thema "The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education" wird bis zum 17. Juli 2024 eine SHK-Stelle mit 30 Stunden im Monat gesucht. Die Stelle geht vom 1. Oktober 2024 bis Ende 2024. Bei Interesse eine E-Mail an Frau Helen Seitzer (seitzer@uni-bremen) schicken.

The research project "The Global Development of Coverage and Generosity in Public Education", which is part of the funded Collaborative Research Centre "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" (SFB 1342), is searching for the position of
student assistant (30 hours per month). The position will start on Oct, 1st (or earlier) until the end of 2024.

The main task is to support the data collection within the quantitative part of the project. The tasks include coding education policies all around the globe for the inclusion of marginalized groups in formal education. Interest in or previous knowledge of educational sociology, policy, and globalization is desirable but not a condition. The task does not require the knowledge of research methods, but a willingness to work independently is required. Knowledge of other languages is desirable, and proficiency in English writing skills is necessary.

We offer insight into an exciting field of work and independent working hours. Salary is based on the usual rates for student assistants at the University of Bremen. The application should include a short curriculum vitae and your study focus or interests. A current excerpt of the transcripts of records should also be enclosed. The closing date for applications is July 17 2024. Applications should be made by e-mail to be sent to Helen Seitzer: