"Science meets Industry"
Veranstaltungen 2019
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
9th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
"Science meets Industry"
The 9th MAPEX Early Career Researcher workshop was dedicated to early career researchers (PhD and MSc candidates, postdocs) from the University of Bremen and surrounding institutions looking for career opportunities beyond academia. Participants had the opportunity meeting alumni of the University of Bremen now working in industry. They got in touch with scientists and industry partners working on cooperation projects. The workshop provided know how to protect inventions and apply for a patent as well as know how to become a patent attorney as a scientist. Participants met with other early career researchers from the field of materials science and got to know Tim Stauch, newly appointed Professor for Theoretical Chemistry. The early career researchers had the chance getting in touch with peers, building up their own network of experts and learning from others. The workshop supported thinking out of the box, developing ideas for cooperative research projects and becoming aware of the huge potential for mutual support that can be accessed on the short way.
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
MAPEX Symposium 2019
"Excited Materials – field-induced out-of-equilibrium phenomena"
' Excited Materials' were in the focus of the MAPEX Symposium 2019, touching topics from electronic structure modeling to electrical power devices . Over the two days , more than 50 MAPEX members and guests excitedly followed the 26 contributions on ' field induced phenomena ' in 2D semiconductors , in electrical power devices , in organic functional materials as well as during electron induced reactions or laser-induced thermomechanical surface smoothing .
In the opening lecture , David Field from Aarhus University reported on his idea of THz emission from spontaneously electrical solids . How to use two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy to probe ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics in organic photovoltaic materials was demonstrated by Antonietta de Sio from the University of Oldenburg. During the first day’s flashlight session early career researchers from the research training group QM³ - Quantum Mechanical Materials Modeling presented their projects , giving short presentations that were discussed in depth during the subsequent poster session . After contributions from Nando Kaminski and Fabio La Mantia , the first day closed with an inspiring talk by Georg Pesch , who exploits dielectrophoretic forces for material-selective particle separation with the final aim of detecting cancer cells in human blood.
The second day started with a lecture on electronic and optical properties of atomically thin semiconductors by Frank Jahnke and was followed by six keynote talks as well as a poster session with corresponding flashlight presentations . Special highlights were the talks of Andreas Rosenauer , who showed how to measure electrical polarization on the atomic scale using STEM . Furthermore , Ruchira Pereira impressively demonstrated how self-reporting micro-fibers can be produced by centrifugal force spinning . The program was rounded off by the welcome address of Nicola Marzari , the new U Bremen Excellence Chair from EPFL in Lausanne.
Further keynote speakers were : Petra Swiderek (" Electron-induced chemistry - Versatile reactions beyond ground state equilibria "), Alexander Kothe (" Lasing in II-VI semiconductor quantum structures "), Mathias Schulz ( Otto Diels Institute , University of Kiel , " Photoswitchable Silicones : Effects of Azobenzene Isomerization in Solution and in a Free-Standing Film"), Sandro Eckert (BIAS, " Mechanisms of laser-induced thermochemical surface smoothing ").
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
8th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop
“Building Bridges” across faculties and institutes
With multidisciplinary contributions from early career researchers , the 8th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop aimed at flattening the existing borders between faculties and institutes even further . Taking place in Bremen, the one-day workshop hosted more than 40 guests from almost all parts of the MAPEX research landscape that encompasses the investigation of materials with numerous theoretical and applied methods as well as process- and production-oriented technologies.Taking place in Bremen, the one-day workshop hosted more than 40 guests from almost all parts of the MAPEX research landscape that encompasses the investigation of materials with numerous theoretical and applied methods as well as process- and production-oriented technologies .
Early career researchers were given the opportunity to present their work to the audience in condensed flashlight-talks before explaining it in further detail during several extensive poster sessions. The program was complemented by a supportive session about different funding possibilities for scientific projects and an introduction to the do's and don'ts of open-access publishing provided by the State Library. Many prolific discussions arose in the coffee breaks and it is to expect that new scientific collaborations have resulted from this workshop.
Finally , an impressive plenary lecture on advances in gear manufacturing held by Prof. Bernhard Karpuschewski concluded the workshop leaving no doubt about the high importance of materials science for today`s and tomorrows world.