Surface Analytics (draft)

  • What we do

    We study solid-fluid interactions, i.e., growth, dissolution, and alteration kinetics. Applications include cement hydration, C-sequestration, engineered bio- and nano-materials, and nuclear waste.

  • What we do

    We study solid-fluid interactions, i.e., growth, dissolution, and alteration kinetics. Applications include cement hydration, C-sequestration, engineered bio- and nano-materials, and nuclear waste.

  • What we do

    We study solid-fluid interactions, i.e., growth, dissolution, and alteration kinetics. Applications include cement hydration, C-sequestration, engineered bio- and nano-materials, and nuclear waste.

  • What we do

    We study solid-fluid interactions, i.e., growth, dissolution, and alteration kinetics. Applications include cement hydration, C-sequestration, engineered bio- and nano-materials, and nuclear waste.

  • What we do

    We study solid-fluid interactions, i.e., growth, dissolution, and alteration kinetics. Applications include cement hydration, C-sequestration, engineered bio- and nano-materials, and nuclear waste.

Surface Analytics

Raman coupled Vertical Scanning Interferometry (Rc-VSI) is a sophisticated non-contact and minimally invasive technology that allows the investigation of material's surface topographies and composition. By using white light, it is also possible to measure time-dependent changes of the topographies (reaction rates) and their chemistry spatially resolved. Rc-VSI provides a large field of view with a high vertical resolution (typically 1 nm) and can measure topography changes up to 100 microns. Complementary (fast-scan) and high-resolution AFM measurements are possible.

What kind of result do I get?

Rc-VSI produces spatially resolved topographic maps of (almost) any reflective material surface. Data can be used to generate (dissolution/corrosion, and growth/deposition) rate maps in units of [mol/m2/s] and rate spectra, i.e., frequency spectra of the observed rates. The topographic and rate maps can be overlaid precisely with spatially resolved Raman maps of the surface chemistry (and its changes). These data can be complemented with fast-scan and high-resolution AFM measurements.

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Andreas Lüttge

Klagenfurter Str. 2-4, D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 65233
Email: aluttgeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de ;
aluttgeprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de

Application Scientist

Marcos Toro Cadavid
Lab Manager Surface Analytics
MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes
University of Bremen

Klagenfurter Str. 2-4, D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 65229
Email: mtoroprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Our key instruments

VSI and Raman

Rc-VSI Bruker / Renishaw
Raman spectroscope coupled with Vertical Scanning Interferometer

  • Raman equipped with 785 nm and 532 nm class 3B lasers
  • Interferometer equipped with 5x; 20x; 50x; 115x objectives
  • White light scanning and monochromatic phase shift modes available
fastcan afm image

Bruker Dimension Fast Scan AFM
Atomic force microscope

  • Fast scans can reach> 125 Hz in air or fluid environments 
  • Scan range of 90 µm x 90 µm with a height range of up to 10 µm
  • Reduced noise level: <0.2 nm in-plane and <50 pm out-of-plane
AFM microscope

JPK Nanowizard III
Atomic force microscope

  • Sub-nm resolution
  • Compatible with liquid and biological samples 
  • Force spectroscopy mode available

More available instruments

Current instrumentation belonging to MAPEX-CF can be found in the Instrument Database of the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes.

A click on the logo will lead you to the database.

Research Highlights

In situ Low-Energy Electron Microscopy of Chemical Waves on a Composite V-oxide/Rh(110) Surface Article picture
Surface Analytics|

In situ Low-Energy Electron Microscopy of Chemical Waves on a Composite V-oxide/Rh(110) Surface

Bernhard Von Boehn, Jon Olaf Krisponeit, Jens Falta, Ronald Imbihl

ChemPhysChem 25 (16) (2024): e202400186

Chemical wave patterns and V-oxide redistribution in catalytic methanol oxidation on a VOx/Rh(110) surface have been investigated in the 10−4 mbar…

Picture of the Publication
Surface Analytics| Electron Microscopy|

Influence of surface orientation on the variability of olivine dissolution rates

Xiaodong Li, Xiaodong Shen, Qianqian Wang, Duyou Lu, Binbin Qian, Elisabete Trindade Pedrosa, Andreas Lüttge

Applied Surface Science 655 (2024): 159634

Alkaline solid wastes containing olivine minerals can be suitable for CO2 mineralization due to…

The Picture of Sputter-Deposited β-Ga₂O₃ Films With Al Top Electrodes for Resistive Random Access Memory Technology (2023)
Surface Analytics| Electron Microscopy|

Sputter-Deposited β-Ga₂O₃ Films With Al Top Electrodes for Resistive Random Access Memory Technology

Aman Baunthiyal, Jon Olaf Krisponeit, Alexander Karg, Seyed Majid Mahdian, Marco Schowalter, Thorsten Mehrtens, Martin Eickhoff, Andreas Rosenauer, Jens Falta

IEEE Xplore   (2023) 

Doi: 10.1109/NMDC57951.2023.10343972

Gallium oxide (β−Ga2O3) has been considered as a promising candidate for…

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