Funding Opportunities

Deadlines for submission

PhD Research Grant proposals

  • 31.1.2025
  • 30.4.2025
  • 31.7.2025
  • 31.10.2025

It is strongly recommended to contact Hanna Lührs already in the preparation stage of the proposal.


Dr. Hanna Lührs
Universität Bremen
IW 3, Büro 2230
Am Biologischen Garten 2
28359 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 218 64580

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites Early Career Researchers (ECRs)* and MAPEX members to apply for research grants.

*master students close to graduation, doctoral researchers, and postdocs.

For grants including funding for materials analysis please check the website of the MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics.

PhD Research Grants - International Reserach Experience


The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites international doctoral candidates to apply for short-term research grants to spend a limited period of time (one week to one month) at the University of Bremen within the group of a MAPEX member. Incoming doctoral candidates can receive travel and subsistence support for activities that clearly contribute to an added value of their research and career development, such as additional experiments, instrumental training, interdisciplinary projects and cooperation, or networking in the respective scientific community.



The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites doctoral candidates of MAPEX members to apply for short-term research grants to spend a limited period of time (one week to one month) at an international research institution. Outgoing doctoral candidates can receive travel and subsistence support for activities that clearly contribute to an added value of their research and career development, such as additional experiments, instrumental training, interdisciplinary projects and cooperation, or networking in the respective scientific community.


Funding for Interdisciplinary Activities

Workshop Funding

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes offers financial support for interdisciplinary scientific workshops in Bremen with a clear connection to the MAPEX research landscape.



Impulse Projects

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites all MAPEX members to apply for funding that is especially dedicated to the initiation of new interdisciplinary collaborations between two or more MAPEX members from at least two different disciplines and groups. At least one of the members of the consortium has to be an Early Career Investigator.

Funding opportunity

Blas Ilich Martinez Godinez from Mexico visiting Prof. Dr. Björn Lüssem's group at the Institute for Microsensors, Actuators and Systems (IMSAS)

Fabrication, characterization and modeling of PEDOT:PSS electrochemical transistors for biosensing applications: a particular focus on the detection of clenbuterol

Funding Opportunity

Tiago Ramalho visiting Dr. Nils Averesch at Stanford University, USA

Thanks to the financial support from the MAPEX PhD Research Grant, I had the opportunity to complete a research stay from April to June at Stanford University’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. This experience was incredibly enriching, as it was my first time working within a…

Myriam Peña Verduzco from Mexico visiting Prof. Dr. Martin Eickhoff

Architecture optimization of Field-Effect Transistors modified with enzymes (EnFETs) for detection applications

Jocelyn Olivares Salazar from Mexico visiting Dr. Susan Köppen, Production Engineering.

Verification of the molecular interaction between ZnO and the chlorpyrifos pesticide by means of force field simulations.

Rui Cheng visiting the research group of Professor Martin Zanni (Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

Study of distorted spectrum and surface enhanced spectrum in 2D-ATR-FTIR

Aktualisiert von: MAPEX