Auf der EMAC Annual Conference 2023 in Odense, Dänemark (23. – 26. Mai) wurden mehrere Forschungsprojekte vom markstones Institut vorgestellt:
- Anna Sophie Hollstein, Franziska Frese, Tanja Fink, Michael Schade, Christoph Burmann (markstones Institute): “Why Do You Like the Post? An Explanatory Approach of Micro, Macro and Mega Influencers’ User Engagement Statistics”
- Franziska Frese, Michael Schade, Christoph Burmann, Eike Abraham (markstones Institute), Christopher Kanitz (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria): “To link or not to link - Which type of retailer brand should use a linked PL branding strategy?”
- Luisa Mahn, Michael Schade, Christoph Burmann (markstones Institute): “Role Perceptions of Influencers in Virtual Selling Tools: How Do Consumers Perceive the Influencer’s Role in Fashion Hauls on Instagram, and How Do These Perceptions Affect Purchase Intentions?”
- Olga Bosak, Maik Eisenbeiß, Kristina Klein (markstones Institute): “Can you hear my personality? A conceptualization of a brand voice based on brand personality“
- Michael Schade, Maik Dulle, Jan Wiezorrek, Stephan Buttgereit (markstones Institute), Christopher Kanitz, Andreas Zehetner (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria): “Do not underestimate email customization to boost consumer engagement – the impact of the customization elements timing and content”
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