„Forging Bonds: The Development of a Scale to Measure Perceived Benefits of Brand Flagship Platforms” von Marieke Schewe, Ole Gardewin, Michael Schade und Christoph Burmann
„CSR Associations and Market Value: The Moderating Role of Market Competition” von Franziska Frese, David Brüninghaus, Iván Arribas, Fernando García und Christoph Burmann
“Strategic Employer Branding: A Deep Dive into the Organizational Identification Dimensions from the Perspective of Prospective Employees” von Anna Sophie Hollstein, Michael Schade und Christoph Burmann
"The Role of Brand Activism in Employer Branding" von Selei Meiners und Kristina Klein
„Self-Quantification: A Conceptualisation & Avenues for Marketing Research” von Charlotte Pietschmann und Kristina Klein
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