Sara Doolittle Llanos M.Sc.

Sara Doolittle Llanos, artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit

Doktorandin mit Schwerpunkt in dem Themenbereich Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Environmental Governance

  • Feminist Political Ecology of fisheries and mariculture
  • Socioecological conflicts and everyday resistance
  • Coastal-marine resource governance

Beitl, C.M., Alba Calles Procel, A., Chávez Páez, W., Doolittle Llanos, S. Iniciativas hacia la investigación colaborativa en comunidades del manglar del Ecuador. En: N.E. Narchi, y C.M. Beitl (Eds.), América Profunda: Visiones y convergencias en la oceanografía social del continente. (accepted)

Laeseke P., Schiller J., Letschert J., Doolittle Llanos S. (2020). Theories, Vectors, and Computer Models: Marine Invasion Science in the Anthropocene. In S. Jungblut, V. Liebich, & M. Bode-Dalby M., YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future. Springer, Cham.

Hernández, A., Sáez, A., Bao, R., Raposeiro, P. M., Trigo, R. M., Doolittle, S., Masqué, P., Rull, V., Gonçalves, V., Vázquez-Loureiro, D., Rubio-Inglés, M. J., Sánchez-López, G., Giralt, S. (2017). The influences of the AMO and NAO on the sedimentary infill in an Azores Archipelago lake since ca. 1350 CE. Global and Planetary Change. Vol 154: 61-74.


Doolittle Llanos, S. (2020). Analyzing socio-environmental conflict in a community-based mangrove management area in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Research Project 2, Marine Biology. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Doolittle Llanos, S. (2020) Women in Marine Sciences: Issues in Research, Conservation, and Representation. Master's Thesis / Essay, Marine Biology. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Doolittle Llanos, S. (2019) The Status of Plastic as a Vector for Marine Invasive Species in the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador. Master's Research Project 1, Marine Biology. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Since March 2021
Ph.D. candidate at artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen

2019 - 2020
Research assistant, Department of Theoretical Ecology and Modeling, WG Resource Management, ZMT Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research, Germany

Student assistant, Department of Social Sciences, WG Development and Knowledge Sociology, ZMT Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research, Germany

2016 - 2020
Master in Marine Biology. University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Research intern, GAME Programme, GEOMAR Helmholzt Center for Ocean Research, Germany

2013 - 2014
Master in Education of Science. University of A Coruña, Spain

2009 - 2013
Bachelor in Biology. University of A Coruña, Spain


Universität Bremen
Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Seminar- und Forschungsverfügungsgebäude (SFG)
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