First Alumni Summer Fête on July 10, 2015

Successful First Alumni Summer Fête

On July 10, 2015 at 6 p.m. sharp, the Café Unique opened its doors for our first Alumni Summer Fête. Guests entered the café on a carmine red carpet and were warmly welcomed. Approximately fifty guests filled the festively decorated tent of the Café Unique on the university’s campus a short while later. Among them were Rector Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter and Bremen’s new mayor, Dr. Carsten Sieling, who was a student at Bremen University in the 1980s. Alumni, faculty and staff, as well as friends and supporters of the university spent the festive evening together in a relaxed atmosphere. The music was provided by the local band “Blauer Montag” whose member Bernd Hesse is one of our executive board members. Guest star of the night was our alumni bear, who was on the Most Wanted list within the framework of our raffle. We would like to thank all alumni, who were central to making the celebration such a wonderful experience, and team neusta, a full-service provider from Bremen, whose sponsorship supported the event. We are already looking forward to our summer fête next year! 

Impressions of our first summer fête

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