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Coastal Adaptation on the Move: Knowledge Exchange and Technology Diffusion in Urban Southeast Asia

06.07.2022, 12:15-13:00 | Talk by Dr. Johannes Herbeck at the artec colloquium (online)

We cordially invite you to an online lecture by Dr. Johannes Herbeck (artec Research Center Sustainability, University of Bremen). The lecture is part of the artec colloquium in the summer semester 2022.

Coastal Adaptation on the Move: Knowledge Exchange and Technology Diffusion in Urban Southeast Asia
Dr. Johannes Herbeck
artec Research Center for Sustainability

In face of global climate change and (relative) sea level change, cities worldwide are setting up measures to adapt or protect their shorelines against anticipated and ongoing changes of hydro-social conditions. In a transition from formerly risk-driven to more incentive-driven approaches, respective development pathways and processes of coastal placemaking increasingly entail an abundance of seemingly innovative protective practices like multifunctional diking, the development of nature-based solutions or experimentations around floating structures. Building on recent fieldwork in Semarang and Jakarta, this talk will follow some of those technologies and sketch out the various forms of knowledge mobilities that evolve around them.  

The colloquium starts at 12:15 pm and lasts about one hour. The link to the video conference (zoom) can be found here:

As a research workshop, the colloquium of the artec Research Center for Sustainability this summer semester focuses on projects that are being worked on at the artec. These will be complemented by guest lectures of external scientists.

The colloquium addresses to scientists, students and interested people of all faculties. The program of the colloquium with further lectures can be foundhere.

Coastal Adaptation on the Move