artec Sustainability Research Center

The Sustainability Research Center (artec) is an interdisciplinary Center of the University of Bremen for scientific research on sustainability issues. This „Central Research Unit“ is made up of professors from different faculties, currently including Social Sciences, Production Engineering, Cultural Studies, Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, and Human and Health Sciences.
The aim of the Center is to perform interdisciplinary research on national and international sustainability issues and to provide scientific advice in order to support sustainable development in key areas.

14. Apr
Leben und arbeiten ohne Gewalt!? Juristische, sozial- & arbeitswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Auftakt der Ringvorlesung)
Raum 20044, Forum am Domshof
10:00 12:00


Abstrakte Formen in Lila und Gelb, darauf die Logos von World of Contradictions und Universität Bremen

Living and working without violence? Legal, social and labour science perspectives

Together with the WoC Research Lab ‘Violence, Age & Gender’, we would like to invite you to a new interdisciplinary lecture series in the summer term 2025

Der Projekttitel "hyBit" steht in blauer und grüner Schrift auf einem weißen Hintergrund, dahinter deutet ein graphischer Pfeil aus Punkten nach rechts

hyBit – Perspektiven aus der Forschung auf die Wasserstofftransformation in Norddeutschland

22.01.2025 | 18:00 | NEOS | Talk by Torben Stührmann at the artec colloquium

A white radiator hangs on the wall under a window in an alcove in the flat

Erneuerbare Nahwärme in der Stadt als Chance für die Wärmewende. Forschungsprojekt zu Herausforderungen der Umsetzung in Bremen

04.12.2024 | 18:00 | Creative Hub | Talk by Prof. Dr. Winfried Osthorst & Christian Rinner at the artec colloquium

[Translate to English:]

Projektbericht Biodiverse Cities: Die Stadt gemeinsam grüner machen?

20.11.2024 | 17:00 Uhr | Klimazone Findorff | Talk by Michael Flitner, Martina Grimmig, Johannes Herbeck & Sophia Segler at the artec colloquium

ohne globale Gerechtigkeit kein Klimaschutz

Ohne globale Gerechtigkeit kein Klimaschutz: Wege zu einer fairen Energiewende

Grüner Wasserstoff dringend gesucht - Neue Energie aus der alten Kolonie | Article in taz newspaper from 24.10.2024 on the event above

A green cycle path with a white bicycle as a marker

Das Konzept der Mobilitätskulturen als Evaluationsrahmen – am Beispiel des Fahrradquartiers Ellener Hof

06.11.2024 | 17:00 | SFG 2210 | Talk by Leandra Schmeißer at the artec colloquium

artec colloquium | artec on Site: Sustainability Research in Bremen

Series of events in winter term 2024/25 on the topic of sustainability research in Bremen

ohne globale Gerechtigkeit kein Klimaschutz

Ohne globale Gerechtigkeit kein Klimaschutz: Wege zu einer fairen Energiewende

24.10.2024, 19:00-21:30 | F61 - Raum im Hof | Discussion with Boniface Mabanza Bambu and Stefanie Baasch | Afrique-Europe-Interact (Bremen)

Klimamarkt Ammerland 2024

Cooperation and continuity: Klimamarkt Ammerland

The Lower Saxony initiative ‘Klimamarkt Ammerland’, which ethnologist Werner Krauß helped to found, is an example of co-operation between science and society and of continuity in scientific commitment beyond the duration of individual projects.

Close-up of the sea with waves and spray

Blue Sustainability

The latest report from the artec Sustainability Research Center focusing on the topic of ‘Blue Sustainability’ has been published online

Portrait von Leonie Tuitjer

Leonie Tuitjer joins artec as Professor for socio-ecological transformation

Leonie Tuitjer was appointed Professor of Human Geography with a focus on socio-ecological transformation in April 2023. She took up her teaching and research activities in September 2023 at artec after parental leave. We warmly welcome her!

Eine Frau schiebt ein mit bunten geflochteten Körben und Taschen schwer bepacktes Fahrrad durch eine von Wasser überschwemmte Straße

Between “Blue Urbanism” and Tanah Air: Urban Experiments, Circulations, and Placemaking as Sea Level Change Adaptation

11.-13.09.2023 | Jakarta, Indonesia & online| Int. conference to conclude the BlueUrban project