About us

The Sustainability Research Center (artec) is an interdisciplinary Center of the University of Bremen for scientific research on sustainability issues. This „Central Research Unit“ is made up of professors from different faculties, currently including Social Sciences, Production Engineering, Cultural Studies, Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, and Human and Health Sciences.
The aim of the Center is to perform interdisciplinary research on national and international sustainability issues and to provide scientific advice in order to support sustainable development in key areas.

artec Library

Katja Hessenkämper

Our Profile

Artec is a university research centre with a clear orientation towards social-ecological research. We build on a critical, interdisciplinary tradition of the University of Bremen and are oriented towards socially just and environmentally sound development as laid down in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The conceptual focus of our work is on political ecology, industrial ecology and research on systems of provision. Our research approach is transdisciplinary: we explicitly address societal problems and work together with groups and actors outside academia. In research and promotion of young scientists, we want to contribute to the identification of strategies and viable paths for a socio-ecological transformation of society, from the local level to international projects.

Our current research relates to the scientific priorities (WSP) and guiding goals of the University of Bremen and has three thematic focuses: firstly, sustainable regional development with projects on climate, coast and resources; secondly, research into resilient energy systems with the technical and social aspects of the energy transition (“Energiewende”); and thirdly, research into the cultures of sustainability, relating in particular to the topics of consumption, communication and organisation. Perspectives on environmental governance, gender relations and environmental justice form a transversal conceptual grid.

Prof. Dr. Michael Flitner (Chair)

Prof. Dr. Leonie Tuitjer (Vice-Chair)

Felix Wilmsen (Scientific Manager)

Dr. Stefanie Baasch (Representative of the Scientific Staff)

Dr. Torben Stührmann (Representative of the Scientific Staff)

Dr. Johannes Herbeck (Deputy Representative of the Scientific Staff)

Lennart Winkeler (Deputy Representative of the Scientific Staff)

The members of the advisory board are experts from the fields of science and research, policy and business. The Board has an advisory function for the Sustainabilty Research Center (artec).

Prof. Dr. Birgit Blättel-Mink (Chair), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Prof. Dr. Christoph Görg (Deputy Chair), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel

Dr. Peter Viebahn, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie

Dr. Diana WehlauHead of the “Climate, Energy Transition & Environmental Innovation” department at the Senator for Environment, Climate and Science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

artec Reports


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