Occupational Fields

This is our collection of links to career pages and job portals for various occupational fields.

  • Career Informations for the USA - Career Descriptions, Job Profiles etc. The Career Descriptions section offers:
    • Real-World Career Stories containing over 1000 unique job descriptions and career advice as told by those in each occupation.
    • Comparative US salary and job growth information on hundreds of careers.
    • Top US cities for each job indicating which metro areas have the most jobs per capita.
    • Top industries for each career in terms of employment and salary.
    • College search tools for helping those wishing to continue their education in the US
    • US city and town information with comparative crime, demographic, and other stats on 20,000+ places in the States.
  • www.deutschland.de/en/science/international-cooperations.html
    Deutschlandportal - listing of international projects in education and research

market for cultural professions

  • https://academicpositions.co.uk/
    International career network for academics, researchers and scientists.
  • https://www.academics.com/
    career portal of the sciences - online job market for education and research in the german language area. An initiative by DIE ZEIT and Forschung & Lehre.
  • https://www.euraxess.de/
    The Mobility Portal is an initiative by the European Comission and the member states, meant to help scientists find information pertinent to spending a research period abroad. It has been expanded to include information on scholarships and visa for all European and associated countries.
  • https://www.eurosciencejobs.com/
    Science Jobs in Europe
  • https://facultyvacancies.com/
    FacultyVacancies.com  supports advancement in higher education and research helping Universities, Academies, Colleges, Faculties, Schools, Academic Departments, Institutes and Research Centers to recruit domestic and international talent.
  • https://www.giga-hamburg.de/en/career
    Jobs and internships at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies
  • https://www.helmholtz.de/en/career/job-vacancies/
    The Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft is an association of natural sciences / technical and medical / biological research centers. The 15 Helmholz-Zentren employ aprox. 25.700 employees. 40 percent of these work on natural phenomena, advancing technological development and to make generally furthering progress in the medical / biological field.
  • https://www.kisswin.de/
    Communication and information platform for students at universities and universities of applied sciences, employees whishing to do their doctorate, PhD students, post-Phds, postdoctoral fellows, junior professors, German and foreign scientists, graduate colleges as well as all persons interested in a scientific career in Germany.
  • https://www.myscience.de/en/jobs
    The job board for scientists, researchers and engineers in Germany or nearby
  • https://www.researchgate.net/jobs
    ResearchGATE.net is a worldwide platform for scientists and researchers of all diciplines.