Gender & Diversity Consulting

People speaking to eachother in a room during a "Breaking the Binaries" Event
Picture taken during a "Breaking the Binaries" Event


Breaking the Binaries

With the film "Coded Bias" (2020, Shalini Kantayya), the film and lecture series "Breaking the Binaries: Diverse & Excellent in Academia?" goes into its second round on May 29, 2024 in the Rotunde/Cartesium.

In the following lecture, Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer will address the question of what potentials and risks are associated with artificial intelligence in research and higher education and what we can do to counteract biases. The film series is an event organized by the BIG project and the Gender & Diversity Consulting of the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bremen with the participation of the University of Bremen's coordinated programs.

Please find further information and registration for the event here.


Gender & Diversity Consulting is a service provided by the Equal Opportunities Office at the University of Bremen for applicants and funding recipients of DFG coordinated programs.

With our expertise in the area of gender equality and diversity in research, we support you as researchers in the conception and implementation of measures for your planned or funded coordinated programs - such as Collaborative Research Centres, (International) Research Training Groups, Transregios, Priority Programs or Research Units. Thus, we offer consulting on proposals and implementation advice.

Depending on the type of project, the requirements for such a concept and its implementation are very different. For the draft proposal, but especially for the full proposal and continuation proposals, the DFG expects you as the applicant for a planned research project to provide a project-specific concept for gender and diversity. For approved or ongoing programs, it is necessary to implement the proposed concepts during the project run time successfully.

The research-oriented standards on gender equality and diversity of the DFG and the mission statement on gender equality and diversity of the University of Bremen are important foundational principles of our consulting services. In addition, we are part of a broad network on the topic of equal opportunities, such as the nationwide Gender Consulting network.

Do you want to keep up to date on the topics of gender and diversity? In addition to our consulting services, we provide you and your networks with a monthly newsletter with up-to-date information on funding, literature tips and an events calendar via email.

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Contact Us

University of Bremen
Arbeitsstelle Chancengleichheit

Gender & Diversity Consulting

Dr. Cindy Roitsch

Building: Unicom 2, Haus Oxford; Mary- Somerville- Str. 2
Room: 2.0110
Tel: +49 421 218 - 60189