Colin Weßendorf

Picture Colin Wessendorf

Research Assistant (Ph.D candidate)


Max-von-Lauen-Str. 1
28359 Bremen
Building WIWI2, Room F 2140
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-665-31




Personal details

Colin Wessendorf is engaged in the field of economic geography. His current research encompasses questions related to the regional economic impact of so-called Key Enabling Technologies (KETs).

He joined the University of Bremen as a member of research staff in March 2018 and is a PhD candidate since April 2019. Initially, Colin Wessendorf was part of the Unitersity’s Centre of Regional and Innovation Economics (CRIE). After the CRIE was dissolved in 2021, he joined Prof. Dr. Cordes’ working group “Evolutionary Economics” at the Institute of Economic Research and Policy (IERP). Since March 2023 he conducts research as a guest researcher.

Before joining the University of Bremen, Colin Wessendorf studied Geography (B.Sc., M.A.) and Peace, Conflict and Development Studies (minor subject) in Marburg, Frankfurt/Main, Lund and Växjö.


Professional career

Since March 2023Guest researcher, University of Bremen
2018/03 – 2023/02Member of the research staff, University of Bremen
2017/04 – 2017/07Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) (student assistant)

2016/02 – 2016/07 & 2015/04 – 2015/08

PM & Partner Marketing Consulting GmbH, Frankfurt (Junior Consultant)

2013/02 – 2013/04Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union, Brussels (internship)


Since April 2019PhD candidate, University of Bremen
2016/08 – 2017/01Linnaeus Univiersity Växjö, Peace and Development Work (semester abroad)
2015/10 – 2017/09Goethe University Frankfurt, Geographies of Globalization: Markets and Metropoles, Focus: Economic Geography (Master of Arts)
2013/08 – 2014/01Lund University, Geography (semester abroad)

2011/10 – 2015/03


University of Marburg, Geography, Focus: Human geography (Bachelor of Science)


Wessendorf, C., Grashof, N. (2023): Key Enabling Technologies (KETs): Firms’ Key to Radical Innovation? BREMEN PAPERS ON ECONOMICS & INNOVATION, #23-03. DOI:
Knuepling, L., Wessendorf, C., Basilico, S. (2022): Revisiting innovation typology: A   systemic   approach.   JENA   ECONOMIC   RESEARCH   PAPERS,   #2022-002.
Wessendorf, C., Kopka, A., Fornahl, D. (2021): The impact of the six European Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) on regional knowledge creation. Assessing the importance of KETs’ structural relevance in knowledge spaces. PAPERS IN EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY (PEEG) #21.27.
Grashof, N., Kopka, A., Wessendorf, C., Fornahl, D. (2020): Industry 4.0 and clusters: complementarities or substitutes in firm's knowledge creation?. Competitiveness Review. DOI:
Fornahl, D., Kopka, A., Wessendorf, C. (2019): Das "Internet der Dinge" im technologischen Raum Niedersachsens – Technologische Einbindung und regionale Verteilung. In: Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen 02/2019 - Digitalisierung in Niedersachsen. Wachholtz Verlag, Kiel/Hamburg.


Seminar of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP) at the University of Bremen

(24th January 2024, Bremen)

Seminar of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP) at the University of Bremen

(14th June 2023, Bremen)

12th Northern German colloquium on economic geography

(20th-21st February 2022, online)

37th annual meeting of the German working group on Industrial Geography
(24th – 25th November 2022, Wiesbaden-Naurod)

6th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO)

(04th – 06th July 2022, Mailand), Session Innovation Policy for Regions and Countries

6th Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG)
(7th -10th June 2022, Dublin), Session Geographies of Knowledge Production and Knowledge Flow – Technologies, Clusters & Regions

11th Northern German colloquium on economic geography
(17th-18th February 2022, online)

Seminar of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP) at the University of Bremen
(30th June 2021, online)

Regions in Recovery, Global E-Festival
(02nd -18th June 2021, online): Session Labour Markets, Business Support and the Impacts of COVID-19

Workshop „Advancing Indicators of Regional Structural Change”
(17th -19th March 2021, online)

10th Northern German colloquium on economic geography
(25th -26th February 2021, online)

5th Geography of Innovation Conference
(29th -31st January 2020, Stavanger): Session Innovation and Regional Economic Development II

DRUIDphd20 Academy Conference
(16th -17th January 2020, Odense): The Integration of Key Enabling Technologies in Technological Spaces

34th annual meeting of the German working group on Industrial Geography
(07th – 08th November 2019, Wiesbaden-Naurod)

Guest presentation in seminar on network analysis
(25th October 2019, University of Marburg; by invitation)

9th Northern German colloquium on economic geography
(13th -15th February 2019, University of Greifswald)